Hej, jag heter Louise, är en just-turned-22-tjej och bor i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!

In my absence

I'M REALLY SORRY, boys and girls but there are a lot of things happening now! In the meantime... I'm always

(Seriously. Always. You'll get sick of me.)

(Ha! Like that's going to happen.)

on Twitter!
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Party pooper

SO THERE'S A birthday even for on Saturday. Shaun had planned a great place for everyone to go - until he realised the age+ och the bar... and explained to everyone in the event...

Sorry, guys.
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Hot girl problems

SO IF YOU haven't heard Hot Problems I suggest you go take a look. Compared to these two Rebecca Black is pretty darn good.

(I'm not even going to get into what their parents must think about this.)

(Or how their hotness probably just went out the window.)

But the best part of the YouTube sensation is what the production company states in the info box:

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Sad truth

MY DEAR FRIEND Jennifer, who's been one of my best friends for quite a few years, posted an image on her blog. And when clicking on the image...

... you get shipped over to my blog.

And I cannot say anything to change the fact that this. Is. Me. Have always been. Always seem to find a way to mess things up on my part but when it comes to my friend, WOAH, am I good! I sure know a lot about relationships.

Thank you, Google.
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Stay tuned

OKAY, SO I played around a bit with this vlogging thing. Tried it. Editet it. Ish. Sort of. And...

... I realized that I sound pretty annoying. I guess that happens to everyone who hear themself having a full on conversation with themself. Still.

But I'm not going to think about that. Had a discussion with a friend today. He told me that there's too many things we people don't do because of the fear of failing. Which is horseshit because "I don't want to look back and think but what it". So screw it. I'm going to work on this!

After all, I did tell say I would push myself this year!

And thruth be told, I obviously don't know it this would be something people would enjoy

(Except for Michelle!)

- but I know I will!
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Don't break the chain

SO I'M TRYING something new. Every day I have a few excersices I tell myself that I need to do.

But I know myself, and these things don't last for very long. Because I'm lazy. So I doodled a little mini calender in my notebook. And I cross over every day that I managed to do my work. Done it for four days now

(Which is A LOT for me.)

(Cred, Louise. Cred.)

and it seems to be working! Today, after work I really didn't feel like doing it. I was sitting in my bed, reading blogs and Facebooking as usual when I saw the notebook. And all I could think about was how I didn't want to break the chain! I want to have a perfect crossed over calendar.

So I did it. Never break the chain. Just a little tips from the coach.
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London: The Stables

IF YOU'VE BEEN to London you've probably also been to Camden Market. It's a nice place, for sure but what you might NOT know is

what's hiding behind that area where you think there's nothing but a "food market".

The Stables!

It's an amazing labyrinth with stalls


filled with weird and beutiful things. Second hands, cheap clothing lines or just leather notebooks. There's statues of horses everywhere and if you go all the way to the bottom

(There's three floors of this joy!)

you end up in the actual stable. Where each store is in an actual stall. And there's a lovely cafe taking up two spots. You can wander around for hours and find a lot of fun things! And cheap, as mentioned. Me and Julia found so many Levi's 501 shorts for just £10. In Urban Outfitters they're sold for £45!

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To Ryan's

TIME TO GET out in the very suspicious weather. Can't figure out if it's cold or not. Daylight or nightfall. Wet ot dry.



I'm meeting up with the boys to relocate us to Ryan's Bar on Church Street. Watching the football game. Drinking some beer. It's my day off tomorrow so I don't really care where I end up!
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Planning my life

WELL, HELLO THERE you pretty people.

Today I'm planning my life.

(At least the next coming four weeks of it.)

I'm putting up goals and emailing people. And then I'm writing a bit along with researching. Nothing I can share with you at the moment but I just wanted to let you know what mood I'm in.

The good one.

You know, the one where you-- even if it's just for a second-- feels like you've got everything figured out. And you're bloody excited about it!
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Happy birthday, dad!

TODAY IS A good day. It's my dad's birthday

(Happy birthday, dad. I love you!)

and I've been trying to reach hm all. Day. Long. Called him every chance I got

(Which is quite limited since I only call via Viber and Wifi.)

but no answer. So when I saw him updating his Facebook

(Crazy one. This happens once a year. On his birthday. To thank people for their wishes.)

I was quick to write to him on the chat. Told him that I've been trying to reach him aaaaall day but no answer and he responds with "I know! Been busy. But I appriciate you trying!".

Ha! Fine!
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Out with friends

LAST NIGHT WE went out to celebrate Ben and Kat's birthdays! I didn't take any pictures at the actual club when I realized that everyone else was already bringing their own.

(So much easier putting the little thing in the cloak room.)

(Cloak room? Sorry? I meant in a eight-digit-combination safe.)

We went to Faces which is an interesting place. Or, well. The place just a regular club but the people are interesting! I've never seen such shorts skirts/shorts on girls with no tights. Or so high heels. Or long glued on eyelashes. Or day-to-day extra hair for that matter!

Walking around there in my black jeans and black top I felt pretty covered, only flashing my exotic shoulders!

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Book breakup

I'VE BEEN READING the entire day. I know I set the rule very simple: only read when on the go but couldn't help myself. So I finished the book.

Under the last four hours I've reread the last chapter four times. Trying to analyse it, to see if I missed any hidden messages. Walked over to my bed from time to time, thinking "let's read" only to realise it's done and gave away a loud "oooowh" every time.

I hate book breakups. After you've finished a great story you lose faith in that there will ever be a new one. Which is ridiculous. What's even more so... my heart aches a bit.

Now I have to do what I did with the Twilight story. Wait for the next film.
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Mr. Photogenic Guy

WHEN I SAW this I couldn't stop smiling. You've got to admit, the guy's got a good smile. And ridiculously white teeth!
Because, honestly, the best part about this guy and his picture - he genuinely make people happy. Smiling is contagious.
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Just to give a smile

THIS IS WHY I love having Kevin

(You know, the random American guy that I met via an iPhone app.)

as my pen/text pal:

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Got every single one right

I WAS BROWSING the Internet. Ended up at 9GAG, as usual and saw this post and ended up like this:

"that one... *scrolling* and that one. *scrolling* That one... *scrolling* and that one. *scrolling* That one... *scrolling* and that one.--"

Past the test. Totally worth the dizziness.

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Reading outside

WHEN I WAS on my way home I, obviously, started reading

(Last book. Only a few pages to go. Sigh.)

and didn't feel like stopping. So I sat down on one of the many benches around my home. Sat there for one hour in the cold.

See, I prefer reading while outside. Walking or sitting, doesn't really matter but I can imagine the story a lot better. It might not be the best solution for my health with the occasional cold wind sneeking up on me but it's totally worth it. So if you're having trouble concentrating while reading

(Facebook. Twitter. Facebook.)

go outside! Sit down. Have some downtime.
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Bowling after work

I FINISHED AT two o'clock today

(After working since six in the morning, thank you very much!)

along with Paola, Dwaine and Laura. We met up with Chiara and went to have a few drinks. Yes, that early. I live in London now. It's okay to do that here.

At six we lost Chiara but found Tom and went for some bowling. I haven't done that since the graduation bowling we had two years ago and didn't think it would work out on my part

(Keep in mind that there had been some drinks before hand.)

but I managed to get a few strikes! And I truly believe it was because of my orange bowling ball. I named him Kitkat and everytime I went for it I told him that we'd be OK.

(And this was not the alcohol talking. Just the way I work.)

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WHEN I WAS visiting my dear Jennifer's blog, in usual order I saw this commercial.

It's about "fika".

Oh, how many times I've tried to explain this concept to my friends here in the UK.

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Recording video and song

PHEW, I'VE BEEN up to so much today, yet never left the apartment! I've tried recording a thousands of test videos for a story I'm thinking about filming. Or, ha! Story... it would be me talking about the danger about adding a cute guy to Facebook. We'll see if I get around to it.

I did notice though that I look extremely... whiny when recording. The screenshot above was WAY too familiar after a while.

I've then been recording songs. I have this song that I started writing in USA. Three years ago. While there I lost my notebook containing my upcoming lyrics. I can't remember the song except for eight sentences. And the melody of the chorus. So I've recorded it today, trying to work on it a bit further.

Well. You got to hand it to me - I've been creative today.
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Going to bed

I HAVE THE day off tomorrow so I guess I should spend my evening with a movie or something.

Ain't gonna happen.

After YouTubing trailers for an hour, hoping to find a new, exciting film choice I'm just too tired. It's not even half nine but I'm going to bed.
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Crazy, filthy hair

SLOWLY REGRETTING MY decision of not washing my hair this morning.
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He's a real man!

SO, MOST OF you probably know of Mr. Ridiculously Photogenic Guy. The man who run a marathon... and won thousands of hearts.

The Googler that I am decided to find out more about the man in the meme. But I wish I hadn't. And not because his name is Zeddie Little,

(I was hoping for George Jackman, or something.)

or because he is already in a comitted relationship with his girlfriend since five years but because of his Facebook pictures! This is something that ALWAYS burst your bubble of the hot guy you're crushing on.

Tagged pictures.

The moment when you find out that the person you see as a GOD doesn't look so amazing in every, single angle of the camera. That he, in fact, can look a bit tired sometimes. Even ugly. Now... of course women don't believe that men must always be picture perfect - but when you see Mr. George Jackman

(I'm just going to call him that from now on.)

looking like a greek god just to realize that he's a regular human being by flicking through his Facebook you get a bit disappointed.

I wanted that big smile on every picture.

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THIS IS JUST a mock poster created by Ron Howard but, honestly, I would kill to see this film. And having Ryan Gosling as Walt Disney. Could live with that.

Let's start a petition to make this happen!
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Legally Blonde The Musical

I'VE LIVED HERE since August and I still haven't been to a musical. Which is okay, the musical's arent going anywhere so I have all the time in the world!

Or so I thought...

The one musical that I really wanted to see was Legally Blonde. I know all the songs to it already. And I thought that for my next paycheck - I'm doing it! Except that the last show was yesterday. The show is now closed.


(Baby whining. Sometimes English letters just don't cut it.)

Luckily, though, I've got the entire show saved on my computer. Recorded in good quality by MTV. So I've just watched the entire thing. Again. Don't know how many times I've seen it since I got it one year ago! But I'm still gutted that I now never will be able to see the real deal.

In fact - I'm sad.
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Girls' gone wild in the red light district

I SAW THIS video clip on Hanna's blog and felt like it needed to be shared. Such a good wake up call.

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I kept reading

IT DIDN'T EVEN take me two days.

I've just finished book number two of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and I'm so annoyed with myself. With the fact that I couldn't put the damn thing down.

Now there's only one book left and I know I won't stay away from it for long, I need to know the end of this story too badly.
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Fluffy hair

RIGHT NOW, I like my hair. The short version of it, that is. Because I can make it fluffy. And it's so soft. And healty. And soft. And fluf--

I'll stop before you cyber kill me.

I like my hair.
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What Sex And The City does to you

WHY IS IT that every time a woman watches Sex and the City she turns out to a proud feminist and a writer? Because that is what just happened to me.

I have my blog and after an episode I feel like I NEED to write in it. Need people to see it. See me. That is what everyone wants. Attention! Attention! Confirmation of a good job! Or just of being pretty.

I watched Sex and the City and all I could think about is how:
1) I need to lose weight.
2) I need to write more about tabu stuff.
3) I need to have my own apartment.
4) Need to buy a new pair of shoes.

I'm not proud of it but I'm damn sure I'm not alone with it. I can bet the few pennies I have that every single woman watching a few episodes of that show wished their lives were a BIT more interesting. Just the tiniest bit. And that they want a rich man to pay their bills.

I'm all about independent women. I'm all about women being powerful. Bringing in their own gold - but it doesn't erase the thinking of how amazingly comfortable it would be to have a rich man.

(This was a get-whatever-you-want-for-nothing episode.)
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I've missed my sister

SO I TOOK the bus down to Covent Garden and Savoy Hotel to meet up with my sister and her boyfriend. We had dinner in their room and... hm... how can I put this?!


Top floor. Stunning view over Londons treasures and Thames. And the roo-- sorry, rooms are beautiful. In the beginning I was afraid to touch anything

(With all right. Spilled ketchup on the beautiful armchair.)

because of the gold covering it. But when dinner arrived we all sat down and had som great fish'n'chips, burger and club sandwiches.

I'm meeting up with my sister after work tomorrow again and I'm so glad. I've missed her like crazy!

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Getting involved

ALONG WITH READING deeper into book number two of the Hunger Games I feel myself getting more and more involved. I recognize so many of the feelings mentioned and my heart aches a bit when something is unreciprocated. Like I've been there.

I like this. Even though it's not a good feeling it means that this is a good story for me. Because I'm stuck. I actually have to tell myself to put down the book, to save the outcome for later.
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The last of One Tree Hill

I'VE JUST SEEN the last, final, episode of One Tree Hill and we all know that I need to write something about it. Need to give the show my respect because, really, this as been a long run. And if you haven't seen the episode, you should probably wait with reading this.

(But if you have or just don't care at all... carry on.)

I remember when I started watching the show. They were showing the episodes late afternoons, perfect timing for when you arrived from school. I wasn't allowed to watch TV during the day so I was relieved that the show ended at four, long enough before my parents would come home.

Like most TV series about teenagers and high school, you get involved pretty quick. You learn with the characters and are thirsty for more. Because in high school (on TV) ANYTHING can happen.

When coming up to this final episode I pressed play with a bit of regret. Didn't really want to officially end it, but it was a good call I did. The episode wasn't the best. Didn't have me crying throughout

(Like so many other episodes have. I've been full on weeping.)

but it showed me the things I wanted to see. It started with a trip down memory lane, showing the core characters looking back at themself while you could hear the monolouges saying what they've learned.

(My favourite was Brooke's: "Say it. Do it. Don't wait.")

A lot of pleasant things happened within this last hour

(Like Nathan giving Haley a bracelet from a cracker jax box and they're then running out in the rain. Old fans will appriciate this.)

(Or how Nathan have the conversation about pressure with his son, a conversation he surely longed to have had with his own dad.)

(Or when the showed a shot of the street. You could see how the traffic lights just went from yellow to red. Old fans, as well.)

but what caught me was when they had Gavin Degraw up on the stage, singing I Don't Want To Be and the entire core cast started singing along. Like you do when you listen to your favourite song.

There was then a flash-forward look with the entire team back in the high school gym, watcing teenage Jamie playing a basketball game. Everyone is happy and the monologue/flashbacks starts again. The series ends with the core characters having, what seems to be, a direct connection with their young selves - recieveing winks, smiles and nods like a "We did it. We're OK."

And they sure did.
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Meeting my sister

THE WEATHER IS quite bad but it doesn't really matter, I'm not planning on going for a walk today. What I am going to do is to take the tub into central to meet up with my sister! She's in London for a few days and I'm going to the hotel they're staying at

(Savoy. Look it up. Drool.)

to have some room service. I think. Not really sure what she meant when she invited me to their room for dinner.

But I'm excited! I miss my sister!
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Brazilian wishing bracelet

YESTERDAY AT WORK Vinnie gave me one of his Brazilian wishing bracelets! I haven't worn one since I was 14 and was fairly excited when he tied the three knots, each containing one personal wish.

Now all I need to do is to wear this bracelet until it gets so disgusting and weak that it will fall of by itself. Then the wishes will come true. And this usually takes a few months.

It's light blue now. Wonder how many days until it's grey.
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Looking fabulous during a run

FOUND THIS PICTURE on 9GAG and... imaging the win feeling when you realize you look like a freaking movie star

(That's a Hollywood smile, right there. I want one.)

while running a marathon. And even more when you find out that thousands of people now praise your good looks online.

I would be number A3411.
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The Hunger Games

I MENTIONED BEFORE that I'm stuck in my so called book phase . All thanks to the Hunger Games! It took me three days but I am now finished-- sigh-- with book numero one. I've made sure ONLY to read when I'm at the train etc. so that the story wouldn't end to quick.

Three days. Close enough.

But I have two books left. So... almost a week of reading? No, that won't do. I'll have to read even less now. Or maybe just really slow.


When I say book phase I really mean it. I'm thinking about the story and characters all the time and it's safe to say that I've been listening to the soundtrack album on repeat for the last few days.

(It's a really good albume. Never heard Kid Cudi before. He scares me. In a good way. The way a Personal Trainer scares me at the gym.)

And the Katniss character makes me feel like I want to do something drastic with my life. Some plans. How's that for a fictional role model!?
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Her Morning Elegance

WITH MY EARLY 7am shifts you can get a bit... depressed... walking to work while it's still dark outside

(Aka time-to-sleep-this-is-not-normal-,stupid.)

so it's VERY appriciated that the sun is showing it's pretty face earlier nowadays. When I walked to the station at 6:25

(Urgh... I know. I know...)

this morning it was already, almost, daylight! Really kicks you up from your snooze coma!
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Pulling my hair

I'M BORED. SHOULD sleep but can't seem to do it. Instead I browse the web for the most random things and pull my hair. As girls do when we're bored. We pull our hair. Making sure there's no split ends. Checking if it has grown a millimeter for the last ten hours. And that's that.

(It hasn't, thankfully.)
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During rainy days

I REALLY NEED to remind myself to buy an umbrella! I've been living in London for almost eight months


now and I'm still covering my hair with two scarfs wrapped around my head!
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Latest from London

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Crazy book bubble

AFTER ME, JULIA and Erik had seen the Hunger Games in the cinema we walked over to closest bookstore and I bought the entire trilogy! I'm almost done with book one and I love this! I'm in the same reading bubble I was when I first started reading the Twilight stories.

(Oh, hello Crazy Fan Louise.)

Only thing, this time I am prepared! I read the Twilight books way too fast, ended the adventure too early... so this time I'm only reading when on the go! Walking to the bus, on the bus, walking to the train, on the train, walking to buy lunch, walki-- you get the idea. This way the story will NEVER EVER end!
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Last few days

BEFORE I WENT back to London last Wednesday I met up with Julia. And we came to think of how fun it would be if she'd come and visit me over here! We hadn't spend any time at all for a very long time.

Said and done.

We called Easyjet five minutes later and they had one ticket left for my flight. Julia came with me and we spend Thursday and Friday walking around all over London. The weather even allowed us to walk around in nothing but shorts and T-shirts! We also drank some beer. And went to the cinema. And shopped. And having a blast!

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I move, you drink

I FEEL IT'S my duty to give you guys tips whenever I can. And the tip of the day is:

How to create a super awesome drinking game!

(So glad my entire family read this blog.)

When I went to Oliver in Copenhagen we didn't really know what to do with our afternoon. We walked around in the city and found a game-- Rat Trap-- neither of us had played in years! So we bought it. Thinking it would be a really cool nostalgia trip playing the old board game.

But when we got home and played it we realised it wasn't as fun as we remembered it.

(Which usually is the result when you think it's a good idea to do childhood activites as an adult.)

So we added som alcohol and rules. And played all night. Honestly, it's the perfect drinking game if you're sick of cards. So if you see a Rat Trap game... BUY IT! And I'll give you the rules.
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Changing things up

I'M CHANGING THINGS up over here! It's not really ready yet but hey- what to do? At lest I'm doing something. And I want it to be more energizing! And I sure look energized on the image above!

Also made the content box a bit bigger so pictures will be bigger! Everybody loves big pictures! Maybe I'll do an Instagram thingy where I just upload images...

Ha! Who am I kidding? I cannot not write random stuff all the time. I crave it!
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Been so tired

OKAY, SO I was sort of back... Being thrown back at work have taking it's toll and

(Okay, so maby going out might have.)

I've just been so tired when back home that I haven't even uploaded the pictures from the last weeks! And I ALWAYS upload pictures as soon as I get home. Even if it's three in the morning. So I better get crackin'!
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Hej, jag heter Louise, är en soon-to-be-22-tjej och bor just nu i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!