Hej, jag heter Louise, är en just-turned-22-tjej och bor i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!

What has been going on

I've been working way too many hours to function at the moment. And I need to stay awake until tonight - otherwise I'm afraid I won't wake up until next week.
There's not a lot of new stuff going on, though. I HAVE HOWEVER ordered an iPad. It should arrive tomorrow or on friday! I'm super duper truper excited about this one. Most of all to use iCal! Calendars are something that is a bit of an addiction for me and since they put in the iBooks function of turning pages with your finger I've wanted one!
In less than two weeks time I'm going to Sweden for three weeks! 
(And my iPad will be a great travel buddy!)
On Friday it's time for midsummer! I'm going to a dinner at Jalouse with a lot Swedish people, hosted by Lonodnswedes. And I only know Charlotte.
(Who I actually just been talking to via the Facebook chat. So I guess I don't really know her!)
I am, however, really excited about this! 
Now that's a good recap for you! 
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The beauty when you find this side of Youtube

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The issue with cyberbullying: we don't really care

I just finished watching the film called Cyberbully for the second time in a couple of months and it hits me just as hard every time. Not because I have been bullied via the Internet but because I realise how many people have. And how easy it is to be a victim. And a perpetrator. 

Sitting behind a computer screen builds up a lot of courage. Some might even say boldness. I'm well aware of it and I am sure all teenagers are. It is a lot easier saying something flirty in a online chat conversation than it is face to face. The same way it is a lot easier saying something terribly mean to someone over the Internet. 

I guess when you cannot see the other person's reaction and face when throwing the harsh words you don't really think it will make an impact. 

I can write a essay of what feelings I believe are being brought for someone who is exposed to this but I wont. But I want to address how ridiculously easy it is for us to be mean over the Internet. And how so many people enjoy it.

We have websites such as 9GAG and Reddit. Websites that are made for make fun of others. I visit this website daily and I laugh - but I am not amused over all of these posts published to amuse people on the cost of someone else.

Take Kristen Stewart, for example. She has been a victim of these trolls creating jokes about how she never smiles and the "irony of her playing Snow White when she looks like crap". [Link], [Link] Every time I see one of these pictures a part of me wants to close down the website, send an email to the creator and tell them how wrong this is. But then I don't - because it doesn't really affect me. 

And here's the core of my problem with this entire subject: Unless we, or someone close to us, are attacked - we won't lift a finger to address the matter. We'll just smile, nod and move on to the next subject posted on our Facebook newsfeed. Because that's what we do, we don't really care unless we have to. 
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Should've slept

I really should sleep as well as I really should've slept. I went to work but then there were slight change of plans and I'm going back in a few hours! Instead of sleeping though I just ended up watching really bad 

(Like really bad. And I'm easily impressed.)

high school movies. The ones you keep watching even though you swap Internet tab contanstly to not suffer of the awkward acting going on. I've also tried to work. And read. And sleep. Mostly I've tried to sleep but with no luck.

(Buy curtains. Buy curtains. Buy curtains.)
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A lot of work

Ugh, I'm so tired.

(And I CANNOT seem to escape the Christmas songs lurking around in my iTunes library!)

I've been working a lot lately and will keep doing that. Some hectic days ahead of me which can result in some... lack of posts. Sorry about that, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
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Aching body

It's eight o'clock and I've just finished my power walk + yoga routine. My body hurts a bit, tried some new poses and I'm still just as stiff. But that will change! If I keep this up my body's got to give in, right?
I need to remember to warm up and stretch around my workouts. My bad groin is hurting again. Haven't really felt that bad boy for a year or so but when realising I was limping this morning I guess I need to act on it.
Waiting for the shower to be available... Corny was out running as well
(This flat share is turning into some sort of power group!)
this morning. Ran into each other, both just as surprised that the other one was out. This early. And in this bloody rain.
(Yeah, it seems like someone above the clouds are having a rough couple of days because the rain keeps poruing down.)
Day 17!
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Dying my hair

This picture of Kristen Stewart kind of want me to dye my hair in some caramel colour.
(This is were all the boy readers go "Oh, Louise. Stop it with the girl things already".)
Thing is that I've never dyed my hair which results in that I'm actually terrified of it! But it looks so pretty!
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Crying over babies

Wow. I'm SUCH a cry baby... 
After work, me and Paola went to see What To Expect When Expecting
(Which, by the way, is a great movie! But that's not what I'm here to write about.)
and we completely lost it! Towards the end of the movie there was this long part with emotinal music and face expressions. And hugs. And kisses. And a full on crying Louise. Paola didn't want to cry, thinking it would be too much but she heard my attempt of keeping my sniffing quiet and lost.
"Louise! Stop crying! I'm trying to hold it together and you pull that crap!"
And then there were two. When the credits came on we stayed for a long time, shouting things like "I WANT A LOVING HUSBAND WHO WANTS TO BE A DAD!" and "I WANT A BABY! NOW!"
(And with "we" I mean "me".)
I cannot say that I'm anywhere near being ready for a baby but I just want one. For the same reason I want a puppy. For the same reason anyone wants a puppy! 
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Typing out loud

One thing that I find annoying with myself is that I repeat almost everything I write out loud. 
I'm sitting on the Facebook chat right now. Having various conversations. And I find myself typing really slowly.
(Like I want to articulate. Which makes NO sense since I just need to spell the bloody words correct to solve any lost-in-translation issues.)
Saying things like "Yup." and "True story.",
(Those two statements seemed a lot more cool and casual before repeating it here.)
in a robot voice I do not really recognize. 
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Some colour breaking the grey

London is pretty grey. Like. All. The. Time. 
So it's nice when it compensates with some colour.
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Call Me Maybe Jubilee Music Video

I cannot stop laughing at this! My sister's friend Sofia and her sister Bella made a Call Me Maybe music video! And all in the honour to Queen's Jubilee!
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When you missed one

Sigh... I just put a machine in. And then when it's all spinning around in there I realize that I missed one.
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What makes me happy today

It has been a good day. I only worked for seven hours and had a good workout when I got home. I bought the latest issue of Glamour and read pretty amazing stories. I also had a Strawberry Nougat
(If you're going to Boots - get it! Buy it! Eat it!)
(I should probably be sick of these now after consuming their entire stock.)
and I booked my tickets for my Swedish Summer Holiday! But the one thing that really got me smiling was that Miley Cyrus is engaged! And that in itself makes me smile. Laugh. Why am I so happy? Sure, there is no wrong with being happy for a person you don't know - but I feel pure joy for Miss Montana. Or Hemsworth. 
(Does that make me really sad?)
You've got to admit - he is a catch. 
(Come to think about it... she's probably more of a catch for him.)
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Been working out for an hour now. Ended it with some sort of power yoga. And, ehm... wow. Hey. I am not made for yoga. 
I see the girl in the video stretching down to some position that looks easy peasy but as soon as I bend my body over the first decimeter - I realize I cannot go any longer. I NEED TO START STRETCHING. This is ridiculous. 
(So that goes into this challenge thing.)
(I've also created the 30-day-challenge category.)
(Do not worry. I'm not turning into some health blog.)
And with that I'm now sitting in my kitchen. Wondering of what to eat. And when it will stop raining... 
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Pouring outside

The rain is absolutely pouring outside. Thank God for the umbrella Emma got me on Sunday - managed to keep my hair dry while walking home. That is like the first time since I moved to this rainy country!

Because the weather is so... boring and I'm impatience Day 14 will have to be done inside!
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Skyping with Alice

Skyping with Alice at the moment!

Man, I miss living with that girl! She moved here with me back in August but then skipped back to Sweden in December. Can't wait to see her in July again!
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Day 13

I'm so tired but I just synced a new, ten-minute-long-no-vocals tune to my iPhone so... here we go! Day 13!
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Celebrating the Queen

These days the entire city is on it's feet to celebrate the Queen's 60-years-on-the-throne! And yesterday, so did I!

Me, Emma and Mikey went to Greenwich to have a tea party! We brought teapots and cups! Scones and cookies. And then some Pimm's and soda! Sat down by the long lunch table and had a pAArty.

(Sorry. That was lame.)

It ended up with me and Emma participating in some games with these ten-year-olds! The parents had a good time watching us beat the crap out of their kids

(In winning. Obviously.)

and when one of the small girls had her blindfold on she screamed out "IT FEELS LIKE I'M DRUNK!" and, at 1PM, me and Emma looked at each other and burst into laughter. Because if only they knew what our innocent teacups contained.

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Photos that makes you cry

I stumpled upon a few pictures and these two had me full out crying:

Eight-year-old Christian Golczynski accepts the flag for his father, Marine Staff Sgt. Marc Golczynski, during a memorial service. His father was shot on patrol during his tour (which he volounteered for) in Iraq - just a few weeks before he was due to return home.

Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter after serving in Iraq for 7 months.
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It doesn't take much to change something

It really doesn't take much.
For eleven days now

(Said nine a few days ago. Counted wrond. The disppointment when realizing THAT!)

I've been out running/walking for at least 30 minutes each time. Ending it with some excerises in my bedroom. And even though it's just been a bit more than a week I can see the difference. I suppose the body takes a section at a time because what I've noticed are my legs. They're not really thinner... but they sure are HARDER!

I am one of those people who really can't stick with a workout routine combined with some don't-eat-ANYTHING-unhealthy diet. Cannot be done. And I have now come to terms with that it shouldn't.

I'm simply changing my way of living

(Hello Miss Guru.)

my everyday life. AND THAT, my friends is my secret. Every time I've failed it's because

(I'm lazy.)

I've been thinking in weeks. I've seen the goal a few weeks ahead. And that never worked out for me. So I changed it. I'm now thinking of every day.

(Carpe Diem!)

Think of what you're doing today to make your body a bit better. One day at a time. Because, honestly, it doesn't feel like I've done this for so many days in a row. Which is great! Too bad it took me four years to figure that one out.
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Bitch mode: ON

I left work in a good mood. Then I was reminded of that I work in a shopping mall. And it's Saturday. Because, apparently, every sort of social etiquette goes out the window!

(Escalator. Stand on the right. Walk on left. IT'S NO FREAKING ROCKET SCIENCE!)

Bitch mode was switched to "ON" when I pushed my way through. But it's okay, since I'm in a good mood again. I just needed to flee the mall. Only thing I need to worry about now is that my boobs are way too big to fit in my shirt.
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It's okay to get the hell out

I read a post at Citizen Karey's blog and started thinking about the saftey precautions I take when getting home at night. And it doesn't take long. 'Cause I have none.

She told her readers about how she might or might not have been follow into her building hallway. She doesn't know because nothing happened. Because she ran.

Now, here's the interesting part. She wrote that the only thing she could think about was that it might be her neighbour

(Because how many of your building neighbours do you know?)

and how rude she was acting. Running away like a judging jerk. And I belive that's exactly how it is, for us naive people. I don't think about being followed by strange men in the night. The only thing I worry about following me is the creepy girl from The Ring. Which is stupid because you need to start to think about it.

(Not because She doesn't really exist.)

I live in London, yet I feel safe. And when something seem to happen I think, just like Citizen Karey, that I'm being rude for getting scared. Being judgemental of the man with the hoodie. Maybe it's just a fashion choice. -- And what I wanted to say with this post is-- be careful and--

"And know that if someone makes you feel the tiniest bit afraid, it’s OK to honor that voice telling you to get the hell away."
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Hidden Disney characters

So, the Disney fan I am I'm pretty aware of all the hidden Disney characters running around in different films. The flying carpet and Belle in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, yadi yada. If you want to know more you'll have to google it.

But tonight I stumbled upon a new one! The Girl Blogger

(Why didn't I think of that cyber name? Brilliant.)

showed me that in the beginning of The Little Mermaid and her concert you can spot Goofy, Donald and Mickey! Bottom, left corner. THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE! THAT IS UNDER WATER! YOU CAN'T BREATHE THERE!
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Girls' blogs

I've ended up reading loads of girls' blogs today! Scanning through them and nodding from time to time. The topics are all the same. Boys, mascaras, Youtube and sex.
Some occasional One Direction and the discussion if they're better than any boyband that has ever existed.

(I think not. I'm still waiting for Jonas Brothers' comeback!)

I like reading blogs written by girls. It's easy. Effortless, even. In a good way. The best are the single girls' blogs. Maybe because I can relate more but the only difference I've seen is the humour. Single girls tend to make more fun of themselves. I guess it's a way for us to show the world hey, I'm ok! To show everyone that YEAH, I'm single and I know it.

But "proud singles" is not the topic I wanted to discuss.

Hell, I didn't want to discuss anything really. Just wanted to say that I've been reading blogs written by girls today.
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Eyes like water

I love when you find random things in various pictures. When you can fill an entire folder on your computer named "Inspiration". Like your own, personal tumblr.
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So close to it

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"All of those fairytales are full of shit"

I don't know what it is but WHATEVER this guy creates - I fall in love with it. Same thing with Travie McCoy. Mm.
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Glee and upcoming Jubilee

I do apologize for the crappy mobile pictures but I haven't found any energy to reach for my camera two meters away. So this is what you get!

If you're a Glee fan you can probably see that it is in fact Glee that's entertaining me today. I'm not feeling very well so leaving the bed is pretty much a no-go.

(I'm very comfortable in my one-leg-above-the-duvet position!)

I'm working tomorrow agan and then I'm off for two days. Just in time so I can celebrate the Jubilee coming up! The Queen has been one her throne for 60 years and London's sure to make this pAArty count. Street parties everywhere! I'm excited!
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16:09: Bare with me if it looks a bit... funky. I'm playing.
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On my way to work

Morning! I'm sitting on the train to work at the moment. It's 06:45 in the morning.

Guy standing next to me stinks of old alcohol breath. Guess he's on his way home. He does look a bit tired.

-- Sent from my iPhone

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Hej, jag heter Louise, är en soon-to-be-22-tjej och bor just nu i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!