Hej, jag heter Louise, är en just-turned-22-tjej och bor i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!

The pretty scene in Tangled

SPENDING MY LAST awake minutes watching Tangled. And the love-song-singing scene in the end gets me every time.

(Sooah pretth-aahy!)

And the best line in the entire film is "The party lasted an entire week. And honestly... I don't remember most of it". Getting that joke. I felt so grown up. Then I realised I'm twenty years old and spending my evening watching a Disney movie.
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School tips

DO YOU REMEMBER the sneaky things you did in school? So that you wouldn't get embarrassed in front of your class, like answering questions wrong? Honestly, I dreaded this. Even though 80% of my classmates would get their answers wrong as well.

But, one of the things I

(And you.)

learned always work was

(Except looking very busy, writing down random words.)

to put my arm up really high in the beginning of the lesson. For the oh, so obvious questions. That way, the teacher would feel that you had done your share of expertees. And so did you.

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All these shows

ONE OF THE best things in life is to lie down in bed and watch a new episode of your favourite TV show. Or one of your favourite TV shows, my pile is kind of building up. I follow ten different shows at the moment. Something for everyday of the week.
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Pokémons, wizards or Jedi?

I SAW THIS blog post about hei what you would choose if you had three different opportunites appearing.
- Go to Hogwarts
- Become a Jedi
- Become a Pokémon trainer

And I now find myself pondering this... at least between opportunity one and three. I like Star Wars but becoming a Jedi seems like too much trouble. Giving up your kids, deny your emotions, probably being killed just by being a Jedi and stuff.

So, Pokémon or wizard... Going to Hogwarts would be pretty amazing and all but just imaging having your own Pokémon. A little animal super dedicated and devoted to you.

(Well, except if you get stuck with Snorlax.)

(Although I would love him just as much, that big lump!)

Going to Hogwarts I would have an owl. Probably like Hedwig. Because I'm mainstream. And I would have a wand. Which is PRETTY convincing but... I would end up with poorly judged professors and would probably face villains who could end up killing me by just one word.

And then there's Pokémon. I would leave home at ten and travel the world. Would have a devoted animalish with almost godlike powers and the stories of the creations of universes. Also, the villains I would meet would have great comical timing and fly off into the horizon before actually doing any harm.

And think all that they could do for you: surf you anywhere, teleport you anywhere, provide electricity-- saving money, eh!--, DRAGONS, can make it sunny/rain, UNICORNS-- I want Rapidash!-- and then make you sleep. So you won't have to worry about insomnia.

Yep. Pokémon trainer it is. They just seem like the worlds. Best. Pet. Ever.

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Walking the same route every day

SOMETHING THAT REALLY can make you sick of your perfectly lovely neighbourhood is walking the same way to the train station every. Single. Day.
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And she's back in New York

MY SISTER JUST went back to New York. Now she's really far away again. It felt better having her for holiday in Sweden. Or London. But now, when back home in New York, we have to arrange Skype meetings according to the time differences again.

But then again-- from experience-- it's more fun visiting her in New York than Sweden!
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Michael Kors watch

I'VE NEVER CARED for watches in my life... but I've found myself annoyed by the fact that I use my iPhone for ev-eh-ry-thing. I want to go back to having some things seperateley. And now time is one of them. I want to have a pretty watch on my wrist. And I want this one. Michael Kors.

(It's so pretthhyy!)

Because I just had to pick one the one I would never buy. Because spending that much money on a watch is stupid.
(But I will when I've got some money flow going on.)

Not when I have it in my iPhone.
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This is me thinking:

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How to spend your evening

TONIGHT I AM stumbling and readin Le Love Image. Been doing it for hours and I might just continue with it until I turn off the lights and pull the cover up to my chin.

If you haven't read Le Love Image

(And are a girl.)

you should plan a visit. It is the love blog for all lost souls out there. Or confused souls. Or happy souls. Or just crazy souls. Whatever you're feeling

(See why I'm only turning to the girls now, boys?)

you will find a post on the site, written by someone who's in the same situation. And that's always nice to read. That you're not completely lost in space. At least not lost alone, there are a lot of people floating around up there!
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Runaway grace

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Eywa spirits flying around

IF THERE'S SOMETHING I'm good at it's taking scenes from different films and recreate them on my own. And I'm not talking skipping like Disney princesses

(Although I absolutely rock at that.)

but whenever I see something, or say something, I most definitely have a great scene in my mind. Like this picture above. I was sitting reading a book

(Not just saying that because it sounds good, I genuinely was!)

when I saw this little guy falling down on my lap. It blew on it for a second and he flew up again. And then I realised! Avatar! I had just had an encounter with one of Eywa's little spirit knights! So I blew one more time and took my hand under so that he would slowly fall into my palm. And that was my tip of the day of how to make life more interesting.
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Knowing your facts

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5 second rule

*Food hits floor*
GERMS: Let's get it!
KING GERM: No, we must wait five seconds.
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Some things

- Whenever I get a hold of a Sharpie, I just want to write EVERYWHERE!
- When, in class, you pretended to be really concentrated so that the teacher wouldn't ask you a question.
- The annoying feeling when someones asks "What's today" and when you answer "Friday" they come back with "No, I mean like the number".
- When you write something really important and someone bumps into your arm.

(When this happens I always take a new paper and start all over.)

- The annoying moment when you hit CMD+Q instead of CMD+W.
- Or just when closing down the wrong tab.
- It's a fact, the longer you're single - the more you think something just might be wrong with you.
- The last few days I've decided to wake up early to get things done but when I wake up I convince myself it's not important.
- Being a fearless bastard by liking a Facebook status that clearly is about you.
- That magical moment when you wake up in the middle of the night, look at your clock and realise that you can sleep for three more hours!
- Hate when I have to paus my music everytime someone speaks to me.

(Post about that one later.)

- When you write a random blog post when you really should go to bed...
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The Savoy Grill with sister


(No joke. Stood by the computer to clock out counting down from one minute.)

took the tube to Covent Garden and then walked to Savoy Hotel. Met up with my sister, her boyfriend and two of their friends. Walked in to the Savoy Grill-- Gordon Ramsey's-- and sat down around a big table with oh-so-polite people serving us.

For starters, I ordered a soup. Now, this might not seem like a big deal but for me it's HUGE. When it comes to restaurants I'm a bit of a coward.

(Or child. Debateable.)

I always end up with a plate spaghetti bolognese in front of me since I find restaurant food to be-- quite-- disgusting. Or just annoying.

(There's like NO FOOD on the plates!)

(And you pay ALL THIS money!)

(Stop holding back and feed me.)

But this time I thought "Well, this is Gordon Ramsey's place. I like him. And I know that he would come and shout at me if I declined his food." And I'm glad I didn't because the food that followed was pretty amazing. Along with the company. It was nice to see my sister again. It's not often I do. It's pretty damn expensive going across the pond to New York.
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Music video

IT'S ALMOST ELEVEN and I need to get ready for work. I'm quite stressed but I'm getting ready to some Usher, who I've just fallen in love with again, so I'm sure everything will be fine. And, also, having music videos on your iPod might be the best thing ever. When I change tune on the train and then a music video comes up - such a lovely surprise-that-you-forgot-you-knew-about.

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Last night with good people

JUST GOT BACK to my bed. Worked 'til midnight but the shift. I felt TERRIBLE when I woke up

(Rosé is not for me.)

but after some pills and KFC I felt okay again. But, God. What's up with waking up at 8AM after a night out? I always do that. If I'm hungover that is. Which doesn't happen often, thankfully. But I thought I'd share some pictures from yesterday:

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What people google

ONE THING I can't get enough of is googling beginnings of questions to see what suggestions will come up. What people have been asking the world wide web. And there are plenty of questions. If you, for example, start your search with "why isn't my be" the suggestion continues "why isn't my bearded dragon eating?"--

-- Okay. So I was just going to get all pff-people-don't-have-dragons but then I googled it and it turns out they do exist. And if your bearded dragon isn't eating you should ask why, so I'm going to leave that one...


You get my point. There are funny ones. Like the one above. But I'm going to leave this post at that and go back to bed.
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Mr. I-Am

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Heading out

ISN'T THAT NEAT. I'm so bored that I've decided to head out for a run! My tummy hurts so I thought this might help. Or it just might do the exact opposite and I'll end up crying in my bed.

Or I'm just looking for excuses not to strain my body.

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A day in the park

I SPENT THE day with my mum and friends of ours. Mum was hungover so we went for lunch with dessert before the main meal

in Hyde Park. We were also supposed to take an actual walk in the park but after lunch mum said that it would be enough for her if we just walked back to the car.

Dropped her off at Victoria station and since then I've been home. I've finally cleaned out my room. It's empty now. Except for the ten pairs of Converse in a corner. But other than that, it's empty! Except for the bed but that doesn't count.

(Can't really call it bed. It's got no frame. Therefore it is no bed. Nothing more than a mattress.)

And now I'm about to watch my every-day-two-episodes of Happy Endings before bed.

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WHEN YOU ARE to change 08:30 to 08:00 and you can't decide to scroll up or down...

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Staying in

I AM BEING sensible tonight and staying in. Even though I'm off tomorrow. Two reasons. I don't have any money to spend

(Yay day on Thursday!)

(New word for pay day.)

and my mum is probably going to be hungover tomorrow so we're going for brunch at her friends house. Which suits me fine. Not seeing my mum hungover

(Okay. Yes.)

but to catch some hours of sleep and then up sort-of-early tomorrow to get some things done! So, good night.
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The Lying Game

AND NOW I'M stuck in Lying Game as well. Thanks to Jennifer. Been watching that from bed when I'd finished The City. Which was about 6 hours ago.

I should sleep now since I need to get up early but I need to know more. Everytime I'm about to exit Safari something exciting happens the last minutes of every episode.

It's like trying to start a healthy life. I'll obviously do it later.
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What could you do in London?

OKAY. THAT HURT a bit. My sister is coming to London next week. Fun-fun-fun! I'm going to be working though, which kind of sucks...

But what's interesting is that she turns to the readers of her blog, asking about how she and her boyfriend can spend their time. Pff.

'Cause she doesn't have a sister living here!

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The Hills and The City

OKAY, SO I'VE been watching The City and The Hills the ENTIRE day. Sure, great recovering since I'm not moving

(God, my butt's even worse now...)

but I'm ashamed of the fact that I watch these shows. I'm not supposed to like them! But I do. I really do. Like closing-the-door-in-with-earphones-go-away-I'm-busy kind of thing.
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Can't keep away

WELL, I'M HOME and sick... so I can't get my hands off the cryptic code stuff behind the design. I've changed it again. It's like an addiciton.
And my butt hurts for lying/sitting in the bed for too long.
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O Bar, Soho

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Nick Pitera Disney medley

HOPEFULLY YOU'VE HEARD about Nick Pitera before. He's this YouTube sensation. Sings, mostly, Disney songs and famous because of the fact that you get a bit gender confused when listening to him. He makes a great Aladdin and then a great Jasmine.
It's confusing.

And now he's done a Disney medley and, sigh, when he starts singing as Aladdin. At 00:43. Gosh. Blushing.

And then when he goes all Arial at 02:35!

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City scenery

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Hercules moment

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It's Link not Zelda

I REMEMBER WHEN I was younger and got to play Zelda on my friends Nintendo 64. I mostly played because of the horse. I wanted to get the horse from the stable and then ride from quest to quest. Didn't want to do the actual mission. And got so annoyed when those stupid zombies ALWAYS had to come out and chase you as soon as you left the village. Because for some reason it just WOULDN'T stay "day".

But that's not what I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you how every guy who played Zelda always had a fit in school if any of us oblivious girls were discussing it. We would say things like "I love Zelda's horse! That's the only reason I play!" and the boys would burst out:

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My new cyber hand

SO I'M SURE you've noticed the new design. It's not quite finished yet but I'm getting there. Also I created a mini version of my hand. I didn't really feel like typo up there so, for now, there will be a hand.

With details!

See the two gray things cluddering the hand. Well, it's not cludder! It's how you can see that it's my hand and not Nelly Furtado's. See, I always wear my mums rings. I've got three that I managed to talk her into giving to me when I moved and two of them are on my left hand.

And now they're on my cyber-space-left-hand as well!
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Fotoshop by Adobé

I CAME ACROSS this video a few days ago. Fotoshop by Adobé. It's a fun thought, thinking about if you'd be able to use Photoshop wherever you pleased in real life

(When I last time rearranged the furnitures in my room I begged for the CMD+Z.)

and one guy took this to action. She created a commercial for Fotoshop beauty products. It's pretty funny, this video.

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Dinner in West End

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I can sleep later

I SHOULD GO to sleep straight away since my alarm sets off at 05:30 tomorrow morning... but I have a few things I need to take care of first:
- Yes!
- Yes!
- YES!
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War Horse

WENT TO SEE War Horse with Dwaine after work. In the cinema that is and not in a fancy theatre. But, OH, such a great film! I cried through the entire thing. And Dwaine kept laughing at my attempts to hide it.

The story reminded me a lot of Black Beauty which suited me fine. And Spirit. Something about follow horses lives. For some reason I get so attached to them! But then again... I get attached to anything I watch.
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Just a little bit warmer

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So where do people eat?

IT'S ALMOST FIVE and I'm googling different restaurants in central London. Good ones, anyway. See - I'm going out with Emelie and Robert tonight
(To celebrate Emelie's 21st!)

and since I'm "not a tourist"

(Their words. Not mine.)

it's up to ME to find a good place to eat. A really good place to eat. Which KIND OF puts me on the spot... the only good places I know in London's Vapiano, Garfunkel's and McDonald's.
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Mr Maroon 5

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Prepping for the evening

ON THE WAY home I got myself

(And Julia 'cause I'm da best roomie evah!)

some Coca Cola and the new Cosmopolitan. Such a girl. Now the evening can begin. And I'm not moving from this bed!
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Pizza and sunglasses

EVEN THOUGH I'VE been walking around like a lost puppy it's been a good day. Went to a local place which-had-the-best-pizza-I've-ever-tasted with Julia once we had the energy to stand straight.

(And had localized our sunglasses.)

We wandered off and ordered two pizzas with extra cheese. And everything was okay again.

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What comes after saturday night

I HAVEN'T SLEPT that good in a long time! When I woke I was in the exact same position I was when I fell asleep. Apparently I didn't move the entire night. Is that even possible?


I got home with Google Map's help around 4AM and fell into bed straight away. Me, Emelie, Robert, Emma and Nick ended up at The O Bar in Soho and had loads of fun. Every single song the DJ played - I knew! Everyone knew it! This resulted in an absurd sing-a-long the enitre night.

I'm awake now. I'm my head hurts a bit. So does my roommates. Julia's in the other room. Both doors are open. Still we text each other, debating on what time we should move to the nearest pizza place.
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digital mirror

SO I JUST moved into my new room. Which contains... nothing! I'm going to IKEA after pay yay day but until then I just have to adjust... like using my webcam as a mirror when the bathroom is occupied.

And if you're an oblivious boy - don't ask why my mouth is open when applying mascara. There's NO girl in the entire universe who can explain that one to you.
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Home war I

ONE THING THAT I want to do when I'm married, or just whenever, is to attack someone as soon as they enter the door.

Let me explain...

Imagine your husband coming home from work. He enters the house and on the floor he sees two things:
- A toy gun
- A note which says "Welcome home, honey. This gun with ammo is yours. I've got one as well and you are under attack as of NOW!"

And then hide somewhere in the living room ready to start the most epic home war ever!
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Out and about

EVEN THOUGH IT'S amazingly cold outside, that's where I've been all day. Met up with Emelie and Robert in Soho and we stumbled around for a while. I tried to show them my favourites but I'm pretty sure I missed out on about... 70 percent.

Meeting up with the two again in a few hours. They want beer. So do I. I'm feeling Camden and they Soho. And I suppose it's their call tonight. I can go to Camden with my friends any other day of the week.

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Key To The City

THERE ARE SOME great talents where I work. My friend Lilian's directed the music video above. And dear Shaun's playing the drums. And the song is good. Jermaine Riley. So go check it out! I know I'm using/abusing the repeat button on this ting!
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Just a good friend

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Staying in/out

OHOY, RANDOM PEOPLE! It's half eight

(Now this is a tricky one. Took me a while to grasp. Half eight in english means 20:30 and NOT 19:30 as it should...)

(They just go all the way to confuse me.)

and I'm trying to figure out what to do. Emelie and Robert are falling asleep in their hotel and won't see me. Julia is falling asleep in her bed and won't see me. So now I need to use my imagination. Don't really want to stay in, do I?
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Should sleep but nah

GOT HOME FROM work an hour ago and can't be bothered doing anything. I'm going back att 6:30 tomorrow morning so it's safe to say that I should just sleep. Get my rest. Wake up happy.

But I just felt this urge to watch She's All That so I know that's not gonna happen'.
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Shaky legs

I AM AT the station. The train is coming in three minutes. And I've been walking up and down for the last seven.

See, I thought I'd do some good while waiting so I've been climbing these stairs. Up and down. No rest. There's a lot of people looking at me. Some with pride. But most with what-the-hell-is-she-doing.

I'm shaping my bum! That's what!

-- Sent from my iPhone

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Embarrassing excitement

I'M KIND OF embarrassed to say that I got super excited when I realised I haven't watch the Christmas Special of Made In Chelsea. And that I got-- oh, so-- excited when Caggie and Spencer FINALLY hooked up. And that I then got really sad when realising that I couldn't eep about it with Alice since she's back in Sweden.

So Facebook wall had to do the job.

It's ridiculous how easy I fall for these stupid reality shows. How I can sit, hour after hour, and just watch them back to back. Because, I mean... to be honest... it's not really like they give me any happiness when the episode is over.

Except when Caggie and Spencer hook up.


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Not so fast train

YES! PAOLA CONFIRMERD and is now on her way over here. And to get here you need to take the overground. They're proper trains which results in a slower speed than the super-duper-fast tube. Which Paola is not used to.
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YouTube wont let me in

YOU KNOW YOU have good friends when the cheer you up with Oreo milkshakes. Apparently, everything is better when you drink a milkshake. And Paola's on her way! We're meeting up

(I think... she hasn't actually confirmed our date yet.)

on the local pub. Mixing things up in there. I've only seen two old men sitting in the corners of that place.

Other than that... I'm annoyed with YouTube today. Everytime I find a clip I want to watch it slaps me in the face and tells me that I live in the wrong country. AKA the content cannot be shown where I am located. I thought that problem would go out the window when I moved to England. But instead it's lurking around the glass like an annoying fly.
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I don't use happy/sad faces

I'VE NEVER REALLY been able to use smileys when it comes to writing in public. That's just something I do with my close friends

(You should see me writing a text message...)

and belongs within closed firewalls. It's status updates on Facebook, tweets on Twitter and blog posts on this website. I won't let the smileys in. For some reason I feel like my coolness goes out the window if I do. So when I just included a smiley in my status I can actually feel the urge to delete the post. I laugh at myself 'cause I'm now one of those people who write smiley's in their posts.

(I don't mind people who do. The opposite, actually!)

But since my post regarding Miss Hamdan is a joke I'll let it go. But I felt the need to explain. The fact that I even FEEL THE NEED to explain explains the situation in itself.

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Not so many memories from NYE

DWAINE SAID THAT this picture is enough to represent new years eve. Lucky me, because I failed miserably being the camera(wo)man of the evening. Two days after new years eve I transfered all of the eleven pictures taken from that evening to my computer and just...


I've never taken such poorly photos before. And I decided to do this one-time-thing on new years eve?! Come on.

So I'm glad that the two people who actually were tagged on Facebook approved.
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Just sayin'

SO MANY PEOPLE say they don't like to read books. They say it's boring.


Reading books is only boring if you lack imagination.
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It's painted

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Always listen to the lion

I'M SORT OF, almost, awake and alive again. Have been watching the Lion King and Aladdin for the last two hours. Both in swedish dub and thank god for that. You need to see the movies the same way you did as a kid. Otherwise that warm, fuzzy feeling just goes away.

(And you won't be able to sing-a-long. Which basically is the only reason I watch them.)

Other than that... nothing new. I still get super focused whem Mofasa speaks. Whenever Mofasa speaks - you listen.
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I'm staying in

LAST NIGHT I worked from 9pm to 11am. I'm too knackered to do ANYTHING right now. Just woke up. And it's only 4:30. I will go to Tesco and buy some food but that is IT for today!

I'm gonna stay in and watch Disney movies. Or something else that doesn't require any intelligence what-so-ever.
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Angel Islington

MY PLANNED "CRAZY" trip around London today wasn't as crazy as I'd hoped. I soon realised that I left home quite late and had to narrow my options down a bit... so I took the ten minute bus ride to Angel and strolled around the buildings. I did, however, accomplish my task!

I explored a place I haven't before!

Wasn't too much to see though. A few markets along with some fashionistas. Some Boots along with the Mark & Spencer's and Sainsbury's. And then a unknown young man who smiled at me from the bus.

(Because that happens all. The. Time.)

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Peace out!

ME AND ME swag are saying peace out. I'm going into central London. Thought I'd go to places I haven't been before!
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Be Mine - Ellie Goulding and Erik Hassle

SO FOR ME to stay up late I probably should listen to some annoying house music or something but I found this cover of Be Mine by Ellie Goulding and (swedish, yay!) Erik Hassle. It really is an amazing track!

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New habits every month

SO IN HONOUR of the new year

(Hello 2012!)

I've decided to, some what, improve my life. Improve my health. As always. Improve my creativity if possible and then the writing. And, sure we do this every year. Because THIS year will be different, right?

Well, that b*llshit isn't working on me so I'm taking an other approach. I will get some new habits. Brilliant, isn't it? I'll train myself into doing something until I don't even think about doing it! Now, I don't expect myself to go out for a jog every morning without noticing it

(Although that would have been awesome.)

so I have to focus on the easy things. Things that actually COULD work! And then I'll give myself a new habit every month. I love this idea already.

First up: start drinking that damn water. I used to be very good at this but now I don't seem to have time

(15 seconds.)

to fill up a bottle every now and then. Up 'til now. Three bottles. Three liters. That should keep me running to the toilet enough. And get healthy.
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Elle Fanning for Teen Vogue

WHEN I WALKED through Copenhagen's airport I passed a newsstand. Didn't think much about it but I, literally, stopped when I saw the cover of Elle Fanning. Damn, that girl's pretty. Almost makes me wanna go blonde. And work for a lifestyle magazine. But that's not new.
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FOR ALL OF you who actually use Bloglovin' ... there's a little mini me in the side bar to click. Or if you're really lazy you can just click on the one above.
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Mr. Levy apologising to Chris Brown

WE ALL REMEMBER when Chris Brown beated his former girlfriend Rihanna, leaving her with bruises and bleeding nose. For some reason he managed to quite easy get back to society and was welcomed on world wide shows such as SNL. For me, that's not right and I would write down why that is but I don't have to...

... this guy-- Andy Levy-- who works at Fox News saw a tweet Mr. Brown threw out in the universe and decided to "correct" him by saying that he mispelled a word.

Chris Brown got offended and tweetet back. Along with his female fans.

Mr. Levy decided to take the time in national televison to apologise and earned some major brownie points:

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Waiting for summer

I LOVE WINTER and Christmas but as soon as boxing day has passed I'm over it. I start taking things down from the windows. I delete the Glee - Christmas Edition playlist from my iPod and I refuse to use my winter coat.

Over it.

Up to December 26th I love the fact that it gets dark around 4PM but now I'm just annoyed. It's cold and you can't see. On the train station this morning I was wondering if I would be able to dress in shorts since my shifts starts so early. Would I be able to dress whats appropriate for 1PM at six in the morning? I don't know, but I can't wait to make a mistake and find out!
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New design

YEP. YET AGAIN I've changed the design. Because truth be told... I do prefer the not-so-wide content space. It makes it easier to read.

(And the wide blog made me feel like a fashionista wannabe. Which I'm not. Obviously.)

Sure, pictures are not as big but I'm sure you can handle it.
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Now in English, whaddup!

SO, I THOUGHT since I'm in London, England now I might as well practice the language a bit more. I find myself being laughed at everyday because of mistakes of pronunciation and grammar.

(Not that I can improve my pronunciation on ze Internet but hey--)

I believe my english's good but apparently there's always something little and silly that gets me. AND I love to write in english. For some reason I find it easier to be funny in english.

(On the Internet, that is. The best I can come up with in real life is saying words like guurl and whaddup in a ghetto accent.)

So now you know.
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Hej, jag heter Louise, är en soon-to-be-22-tjej och bor just nu i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!