Hej, jag heter Louise, är en just-turned-22-tjej och bor i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!

It's a good tune but:

Jason Mraz's new album -  presented to you by ILVA!
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Walk On The Wild Side

I've been watching this clip three times now and basically crying from laughter! It's a bunch of clips put together from BBC's Walk On The Wild Side.
Basically... they make animals talk.
The MOST HILARIOUS moment is at the 3.25 mark where the seal wakes up from a bad dream!
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Call Me Maybe Jubilee Music Video

I cannot stop laughing at this! My sister's friend Sofia and her sister Bella made a Call Me Maybe music video! And all in the honour to Queen's Jubilee!
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Hidden Disney characters

So, the Disney fan I am I'm pretty aware of all the hidden Disney characters running around in different films. The flying carpet and Belle in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, yadi yada. If you want to know more you'll have to google it.

But tonight I stumbled upon a new one! The Girl Blogger

(Why didn't I think of that cyber name? Brilliant.)

showed me that in the beginning of The Little Mermaid and her concert you can spot Goofy, Donald and Mickey! Bottom, left corner. THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE! THAT IS UNDER WATER! YOU CAN'T BREATHE THERE!
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I'm a page 1:er

A few years ago I remember being very annoyed with Google Images. With the fact that when you googled my name


there was just a bunch of pictures of old ladies. You had to go to PAGE 3 before my Myspace pictures showed up.

And I'm so pleased to say that this is no longer the case. I am now on PAGE 1! Loads of my Facebook timeline covers pop up! And if you add "timeline" to your search... oh, honey.

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WHEN I WAS visiting my dear Jennifer's blog, in usual order I saw this commercial.

It's about "fika".

Oh, how many times I've tried to explain this concept to my friends here in the UK.

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Crazy, filthy hair

SLOWLY REGRETTING MY decision of not washing my hair this morning.
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He's a real man!

SO, MOST OF you probably know of Mr. Ridiculously Photogenic Guy. The man who run a marathon... and won thousands of hearts.

The Googler that I am decided to find out more about the man in the meme. But I wish I hadn't. And not because his name is Zeddie Little,

(I was hoping for George Jackman, or something.)

or because he is already in a comitted relationship with his girlfriend since five years but because of his Facebook pictures! This is something that ALWAYS burst your bubble of the hot guy you're crushing on.

Tagged pictures.

The moment when you find out that the person you see as a GOD doesn't look so amazing in every, single angle of the camera. That he, in fact, can look a bit tired sometimes. Even ugly. Now... of course women don't believe that men must always be picture perfect - but when you see Mr. George Jackman

(I'm just going to call him that from now on.)

looking like a greek god just to realize that he's a regular human being by flicking through his Facebook you get a bit disappointed.

I wanted that big smile on every picture.

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Looking fabulous during a run

FOUND THIS PICTURE on 9GAG and... imaging the win feeling when you realize you look like a freaking movie star

(That's a Hollywood smile, right there. I want one.)

while running a marathon. And even more when you find out that thousands of people now praise your good looks online.

I would be number A3411.
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Yes or no?

IMAGINE SOMEONE ASKING YOU a question and asks you to answer truthfully with a yes or no.

"Is the next word you're going to say 'no'?"

Aaaah, brain pain!
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App: Draw Something

YESTERDAY I DOWNLOADED the app Draw Something mainly because of group pressure. Everyone was playing it and I felt left out.
Thank God for that.

I cannot stop using this app. You get a word that you're supposed to draw up so that your friend can guess it. If it's correct you get coins! And can buy more colours to paint with!

I was playing with Polly and got the word Porsche. I thought I had it in the bag. Started drawing...

But Polly "passed" the picture because she couldn't figure it out. And started her next drawing with this:

And now we both missed out on three golden coins...
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Awkward group chat

JUST SAW THIS picture.

I wonder if the person is aware of the fact that with the new iOS 5... when you send the same text to a bunch of people it all ends up in one merged group chat.

Could get awkward.
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My glass of water

WENT UP TO grab a glass of water. Filled it up. Drank one sip. Put it down. Went back to the table.

Without the glass?


What's the point of that? I'm thirsty but I cannot find the energy to walk over there.

(Put taking pictures, edit and write a post about it is fine...)

(Still haven't walked over there to fetch it.)
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The whip app

I'VE JUST WATCHED the latest episode of The Big Bang Theory. Brilliant, as usual. And today they featured the situation when someone is "whipped" in a relationship. And I couldn't stop laughing at the whip sound app that they all downloaded. You quickly flick your phone to create the sound of a whip. And then use it in appropriate situations.
Obviously, I needed to have it. So I turned to Google. And with my Google skills, nothing escapes me.

(Unless it's on page 2.)

I found the app, downloaded it and IT'S SO MUCH FUN! Been sitting like a crazy lady for ten minutes just repeating the same arm gesture. And-- for some reason-- repeatedly mimicking the sound effect with a cool-cowboy-face.

Now I just need to find the perfect situation to use it around my friends! It's called PocketWhip!
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Optimus Fine

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Fine moments

GETTING HOME AFTER a night out. Taking off your bra.

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How to find your way home

TAKING THE BUS home a late night in London is tricky. A lot of people and delayed schedules. Which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to know where to press the red button and get off. The "next stop..." sign is just all over the place. But I've found a great solution.

Google Maps: oh, how much I rely on you.

Just write in current location and the name of your bus stop in the route section and TA-DA!

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We all did it

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Where's the ad?

THAT ANNOYING MOMENT when you have like a bazillion tabs up and you can't figure out which one the music/commercial is coming from...
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They just won't say goodbye!

SO, HOW COME people won't say goodbye to each other in the movies? Whenever they are to end a phone call they just hang up. "Oh... okay... yeah, I understand... *click*".

If I would be on the other side I would call them right back up and ask if the line was cut.

And everytime I see it on TV, I go crazy. Like this:
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Earlier posts

Hej, jag heter Louise, är en soon-to-be-22-tjej och bor just nu i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!