Hej, jag heter Louise, är en just-turned-22-tjej och bor i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!


AND I'M BACK in the UK! Finally! And after a five minutes conversation with view of Helsingborg I managed to get Julia with me! Ah, my best friend Julia!

We've been in Camden and Regents Park all day, enjoying the AMAZING weather here in London! Seriously. Shorts! And T-shirt! And that's it!

We just got back from the pub

(With my dear Ludvig and Erik.)

and are ready to hit the beds. First, a picture from before leaving. We look kind of funny, but I'm sure you guys are fine with that!

Welcome back to the blogmosphere, Louise!

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In Sweden

HEY THERE, PRETTY people. For those of you who don't know

(AKA, my not-so-much-Facebook friends.)

I am in Sweden right now! I haven't mentioned it in here because I was out to surprise my baby brother! And I sure did. When he came home from football practice I was waiting. When he came into the door he looked at me, looked away and then realising who was standing there! He ran up to me and hugged me for several minutes. Not saying a word. He just kept hugging me.

Ha, I had to hold back the tears

(And I'm pretty sure that cool 11 year old did the same.)

there. We might have Skype and all but hugging that little kiddo is a hell of a lot better!

I'm staying here for a week. A week holiday. Just to relax. Can't wait!
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In twilight

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Chop chop

SIGH... THIS IS what happens when I'm bored and see a split end. Almost one decimeter went. Chop chop.
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Stupid song

I HAVE A song that I really like. It's calming and kind of groovy. But I never want to play it. And when it gets played in iTunes I throw myself over the "next button" as soon as possible. Because it scares the shit out of my. Sometimes I actually get annoyed and mad with it. Press play to see why.

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OH, AND RIGHT! Before I forget! I'm trying this tonight:

Dreaming is really a big part of my daily


routine. Five out of seven nights I can remember my dreams. Right now I can remember a few dreams I dreamt weeks ago! Very detailed, as well. And since me and dreaming go so well together - let's see if I can manage to control them a bit more!

(When I say a bit more: if I fall asleep to some instrumental songs and think of a feeling until I fall asleep I most likely will dream about it.)

(True story.)
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Skype session: Norway

BEEN TALKING TO and looking at my dear Anton for the last hour. He's up in Norway, cold and surrounded by snow. But is keeping his mood up! Surrounding himself with hearts instead!

It's two o'clock. Anton just lost his connection and is long gone so I think this might be a sign telling me to call it.

Good night!
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Bored to death

I'VE JUST GOTTEN down with a cold. With a big C! My throat's been trying to kill me all day and the only thing I'm fighting it with is a scarf. Been in bed the entire day. My bum actually hurts.

And I need to stay awake all night. Or at least for a few more hours. Need to get into this stupid sleeping routine for my overnight tomorrow evening. But I don't know what to do with my time?! How am I going to stay awake when everything's SO BORING?! I've googled all I could think about. I've watched all the latest series and I've played hours of Draw Something. I've also played hours of Icy Tower.

(Okay. So not hours. But that's the problem! It feels like I'm doing something for. Ever. When the actual time only is for a few minutes. WHY!)

(Sorry. Getting frustrated.)

I just have to find another game. Or film!
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Finally back home

JUST GOT BACK home. It's 06:15 and I am pretty tired.

When we finished work around three none of us could get home since the trains weren't running yet. So we had no choice but to walk into the casino. Had a few drinks, gambled a bit, watched sports and talked. Great after work!

Four in the morning. Yes!
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Through my phone

HERE IS WHAT'S been going on from my phone's point of view:

Been on the Overground trains more times than ever. Walking back and forth to the station. Everyday. It is getting old.

Went out for drinks with Paola one day after a long day at work. Ended up with far more than we needed and we poured our hearts out over the tables.

Been strolling around hours in the shopping center. I find myself going there even if I'm not working. Found a perfect T-shirt for Georgette. Sent her a picture and two hours later she was in the store buying it!

Walked for 8 miles and went to a diner with Tom. Ate burger and fries - while drinking a milkshake! Haven't done that before but, man, that's a nice combo.

Working hard and long nights into the morning. Walking home to beautiful sunrises.

I've been drinking beer at pubs and in living rooms. And I cannot decide which one I prefer. Might be living room. But only because Ludvig and Erik will play the guitars and harmonica.

I've texted and tweeted with my penpals in the states! Sending pictures to see what's happening on the other side of the world! Truly entertaining!
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I'VE BEEN IN bed the entire day. For some reason my throat have decided to put in some knives and my swallowing is suddenly quite unpleasent.

Not cool.

Another not-so-cool thing is that I start work at nine tonight and I haven't slept anything today. So I need to get some big cans of Redbull for this one.

Working 'til 4AM - we're then going to the 24 hour casino!
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When I think about my family

IN OLD LOUISE fashion I think a lot before bedtime. This time it's about my family:

I think about my mums manicured, nude pink, perfect length nails. When doing this I see her as the most beautiful woman. It's just nails but that's what represent her. It's superficial but it reminds me of how great she, is inside and out.

I think about my dad working at our old, now, summer house in Torekov in his old, orange T-shirt. When I do that I see him as the perfect man. Caring and and strong. Fixing a trim might not be the evidence of bravery but that's when I realise how much of a family man he is.

I think about my sister hugging her life long teddy bear, holding her arms around his belly and kissing the side of his head I can't help but think how compassionate she is. Holding on to an old toy may for some people just seem childish but for me it says holding on to family. That one thing that keeps you grounded when you're far away from home.

And I think of my brother and our "good nights". How he wants me to lie next to him in the dark so he can tell me all his secrets. No hesitation. And that whatever argue we had earlier that day it doesn't matter because he knows that he can count on me. And that I know that is the best feeling.

Obviously, as a family there are a lot of arguments - but all I can see when thinking about us is long walks on the moor... Dad providing me with a long stick at the age of ten, telling me to hold it up high so that the seagulls won't get to me. Wrestling in the sofa with my brother until dad comes, telling us to keep quite because it's nine o'clock and the news are on. Buying my first pack of thin, coloured pens for school with mum. And her telling me to carefully choose the best colours so that I won't change my mind later on. Or when my and my sister together snuck out through her window in the middle of the night that summer, saying good bye and then going to our seperate parties.

(Sorry, dad. Not a good idea giving your teenage daughters rooms at the ground floor.)

And when I started the same "big school" as my sister in seventh grade. I remember the pride I felt having her as my sister, when she and all of her cool friends would say hi to me. Or when dad looked at me, took a breath and said "just because you've been burned once doesn't mean you should stop playing the game". And when I walked out of my room and saw mum and dad kissing in the corner of the hallway. Acting like two teenagers who haven't seen each other for weeks! And how me and my brother later made fun of it. Or taking my brother out of the country, to Denmark for the day with a few guy friends to discover different pubs. I could see how happy he was for taking him with me. Going on a great adventure. And taking the ferry back, standing at the rooftop looking out over Sweden and Denmark. And my favourite tradition: sitting by the dinner table and how it always ended up with one of us bringing out the encyklopedia to end a discussion.

There is a lot to say about ones family. There is a lot to love.

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Sleeping skater boys

WHEN TAKING THE morning train to work the other day, after taking my seat, I realised I was surrounded by sleeping skater boys. I counted five of them, all taking up a minimum of two seats. They all woke up from time to time, taking a confusing look around them until their eyelids became to heavy and they fell into their, probably, abstract dreams again.

Most amusing was the gent next to me, who woke up, looked at me with confused eyes before changing his position and falling back asleep. About six times.
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Morning routines

FOR SOME REASON I found it really hard going up this morning, twenty minutes ago. Snoozed way too long

(Luckily I set my alarm way too early to have a "cleaning-apartment-morning" so I won't be late for work.)

(Unfortunately the apartment won't be cleaned now.)

(So worth it.)

but I finally found myself waking up when I in my sleep played my WAKE UP playlist.

(Yes. That is in capital letters. Feels more efficient if the playlist is screaming at me.)

My favourite song waking up to is Suddenly I See with KT Kunstall. Even though I'm not in New York it feels like I'm one of those pretty girls in the Devil Wears Prada's intro. So with that song on replay - I'm going for a shower! Morning!
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Yes or no?

IMAGINE SOMEONE ASKING YOU a question and asks you to answer truthfully with a yes or no.

"Is the next word you're going to say 'no'?"

Aaaah, brain pain!
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Proud of Sweden

I'M NOT MUCH for the Eurovision Song Contest but I'm proud of my old country this year! The song that we chose to represent us is pretty, damn good.

Loreen - Euphoria

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App: Draw Something

YESTERDAY I DOWNLOADED the app Draw Something mainly because of group pressure. Everyone was playing it and I felt left out.
Thank God for that.

I cannot stop using this app. You get a word that you're supposed to draw up so that your friend can guess it. If it's correct you get coins! And can buy more colours to paint with!

I was playing with Polly and got the word Porsche. I thought I had it in the bag. Started drawing...

But Polly "passed" the picture because she couldn't figure it out. And started her next drawing with this:

And now we both missed out on three golden coins...
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Awkward group chat

JUST SAW THIS picture.

I wonder if the person is aware of the fact that with the new iOS 5... when you send the same text to a bunch of people it all ends up in one merged group chat.

Could get awkward.
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My glass of water

WENT UP TO grab a glass of water. Filled it up. Drank one sip. Put it down. Went back to the table.

Without the glass?


What's the point of that? I'm thirsty but I cannot find the energy to walk over there.

(Put taking pictures, edit and write a post about it is fine...)

(Still haven't walked over there to fetch it.)
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The whip app

I'VE JUST WATCHED the latest episode of The Big Bang Theory. Brilliant, as usual. And today they featured the situation when someone is "whipped" in a relationship. And I couldn't stop laughing at the whip sound app that they all downloaded. You quickly flick your phone to create the sound of a whip. And then use it in appropriate situations.
Obviously, I needed to have it. So I turned to Google. And with my Google skills, nothing escapes me.

(Unless it's on page 2.)

I found the app, downloaded it and IT'S SO MUCH FUN! Been sitting like a crazy lady for ten minutes just repeating the same arm gesture. And-- for some reason-- repeatedly mimicking the sound effect with a cool-cowboy-face.

Now I just need to find the perfect situation to use it around my friends! It's called PocketWhip!
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Drinks in Canary Wharf

I HAD A great night yesterday! Met up with Paola, Chiara and Dan for some drinks. We took the tube down to Canary Wharf which is a finance district south east of London. It's like an island of huge buildings. And all the inhabitants wear suits.

We sat there for a few hours, discussing everything there is to life. And that's a lot!

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Icy Tower in Mac App Store

I'M STAYING HOME today. My head is pounding/killing me and I cannot seem to get rid of it. And I know you're not really supposed to rest your eyes on a computer display at times like these...


Used to play this game all. The. Time. It's a pointless game, really. You're not supposed to find an object and take it on a adventures quest. There's no dragons either. But there's this snowboard guy who scream "woopidoo" when stars comes out of his bottom! Good enough for me!

Download it. You won't regret it. Or you might. Because your social life will go out the window. Totally worth it.
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Cinderella's white dress

ONE THING I came to think about...

Google Cinderella and you will find her in a beautiful, blue dress. But if you've seen the movie you would know that her dress is white. And shimmery.

Why would they advertise it as blue?
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Going out

I HAVEN'T BEEN out all day so I'm going to Stratford for some drinks with my friends!

Not really the "out" I

(Or my parents.)

was hoping for but it'll do!
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Ordinary woman

TODAY'S INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S Day and what I've done so far:
- Cleaning the apartment
- Doing the dishes

Yeah. I'm woman. Hear me roar!
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Who is KONY?

I'M SURE MOST of you have heard or read about the KONY 2012 campaign by now. An organization, Invisible Children, is working for the mission of getting Joseph Kony captured - to put an end to the abduction, murdering and raping of children going on in African countries.
And, in usual order, when something like this is being noticed by the public eye - people start to talk about it. Post it. Tweet it. You name it.

And people start questioning it.

It's good to critically examine what has been said. You want to have your research on the matter, you want to know what it is about to have a say in it. But this is where I think people get distracted. They use Google to find information about it and start to narrow their opinions down by reading into details. Learning how only a "low amount percentage" of the organizations spent money actually went to the helping cause. How they could "give so much more".

This is where, I believe, the message is being lost by the individuals. It is good that the campaign created debates, intriguing more people but it's no longer have an opinion about the problem. It's about having an opinion about the campaign. There is a lot that can be said about these types of things but that shouldn't be the point.

This is not me backing out of the discussion, this is me highlighting the importance of it. That people are talking.
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Chop my hair off?

SITTING HERE, CONSIDERING chopping off my hair again. I'm bored and there's scissors in the bathroom. That combination is what resulted in a 1 decimeter drop in October...

NOW / OCTOBER: Look how fluffy that was!!

Other than that... my flat mates have now left me for the week. They'll be back on Sunday and this will be the first time I'm completely alone since I moved to London in August.

(Oh dear. I just realised it when I wrote it. Have I not been alone? I'm going to freak out tonight. MONSTERS EVERYWHERE!)

But I'm sure I'll be fine. I just need to keep myself occupied. Shouldn't be a problem. I've got a blog.
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One of those dreams

WHEN I WOKE up this morning I could still see last nights dream very clear. I'm not going into details what the dream was actually about

(Need a way longer analysis than this post for that.)

but I the "end scene" of if was freak-ing epic! I was standing at a balcony somwhere

(Okay. Not somewhere. It was a castle.)

looking out over the landscape. Twilight. Beautfil lightning. And an extra planet Earth hovering over this one.

... Then the planet dropped a few millions sizes á la the cube in Transformers and started flying down to me. It then appeared to have an arm and started poking me, wanting me to chase it...


As soon as I left home this morning I took out my iPhone and Sketchbook app and started drawing. Not really what I saw last night but you get the idea.

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A great new week ahead

I'M HAPPY TO tell you that I woke up twenty five minutes before my alarm is going off. Still ten minutes to go. And I feel fine. I ate an apple, I had some water down my pipes. And it's sunny outside.

And since it's Monday I'm just going to use this as a sign of a "great new week ahead"!

Good morning!
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I'll be back

IT'S BEEN A hectic week. Sorry about my absent. Been sleeping during the days and working nights.

Not in a street corner though, don't worry.

I'll be back with posts tomorrow!
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Hej, jag heter Louise, är en soon-to-be-22-tjej och bor just nu i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!