Hej, jag heter Louise, är en just-turned-22-tjej och bor i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!

Look-alike brother

I DON'T KNOW about you... but I can see myself in this little fella. Which is exciting. To look like someone. Or to have someone look like you. He's younger. He looks like me.

Still. I like it!

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I'm gone

YOU WILL HAVE to excuse my absence. Last night I worked 10pm to 7pm. Haven't really slept today. I'm tired. And I need to rest!

On another note though... I'm about to watch Camp Rock. Haven't seen that one in years. And I'm super excited!
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Optimus Fine

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Tip of the day: go crazy on repeat

I GAVE YOU the tip about Google Maps for finding right on your way home... and thought I'd share another one.

If you find a song that you really like and Spotify won't allow you to listen to it more than five times

(Nope, no premiuim for this Scrooge.)

you'll probably turn to YouTube. Great. But you wan't to listen to it again. And again. And again. And going back to the tab to press "0" every fourth minute isn't really ideal. So... just put in "repeat" between "youtube" and ".com" in the URL bar and TA-DA!

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One does not simply sit inside when it's sunny

OKAY, THAT'S IT. I can see the sun hiding around the corner - I'm going outside!
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Need to turn day into night

SO, MY PLAN was to fall asleep really late and then wake up really late to make my overnight shift as easy as possible.

I managed the first part. Came home around 4am form Ludvig and Erik's

(We ended the evening with guitar, singing, Nutella and Californication.)

and fell asleep around five. But I woke up at half nine. HALF NINE! That is not what I was hoping for. I wanted to wake up at two o'clock so that I easily could start my shift at 9pm tonight. But no, now I'll probably crash and burn around three in the morning, with four hours to go!

Luckliy I don't seem to be the only one with this issue. Tom, Dwaine and Ben are all up and running way to early for their own good.
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Fine moments

GETTING HOME AFTER a night out. Taking off your bra.

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How to find your way home

TAKING THE BUS home a late night in London is tricky. A lot of people and delayed schedules. Which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to know where to press the red button and get off. The "next stop..." sign is just all over the place. But I've found a great solution.

Google Maps: oh, how much I rely on you.

Just write in current location and the name of your bus stop in the route section and TA-DA!

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PAP Sweden

WHEN I GOT home from work today there was a package waiting for me!


I love getting things sent to me by post, especially when I have no clue what it is! It's like an extra birthday!

My dear godfather sent me a beautiful bag. His company, P.A.P., makes the most amazing leather bags/cases/wallets and I-- honestly-- can't et enough of them. I already have a wallet, notebook, computer case and now a bag!

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Sun and beer after work

AFTER WORK ME and Sophia went to the Cow for a drink.

(I'm now officially a brit. Drinking alcohol after work at 3:30.)

The weather was absoluteley lovely

(Ha! Brit.)

and we sat outside for a good hour. Embracing every little vitamin D our pale faces could get a hold of.

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A princess is born

I DIDN'T THINK I thought too much about the Swedish royal family but now that I've read about "the heir to the throne" I find myself smiling.

With my teeth showing!

A little princess is born. Long live the crown princess and her prince. And the king. And queen.

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Catching up with an old friend

IT'S BEEN A nice afternoon. I met up with Louise

(Not me. Another Louise.)

to go and have some american pancakes at The Fat Cat. I haven't seen her in a year so it was nice to catch up with my old friend from school! We live in the same city... yet it took us five months to schedule a hang out session.

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Cold nights

I'M WAITING FOR my food to get warm. I'm hungry. And cold.

For some reason I'm never cold when outside but as soon as I step inside closed doors I'm suddenly aware of how cold my hands are. And I'm freezing. And I can't help but think...
... that I'd rather be somewhere like here.
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Pancake's Day in Holborn

SINCE IT'S PANCAKE'S day today Dwaine treated me and Paola to My Old Dutch, a Pancake House in Holborn. When we got there, there was a five meter queue. We were able to skip it.

When we left, the queue was up to-- no joke-- 20 meters long! Everybody wants pancakes on Pancake's Day!

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Summer nights: ball

WE ALL HAVE one of those perfect summer nights. When we could run around outside without tights or jeans on our legs. When the dark night only lasted for two hours and we didn't really care when we went to bed - or how we would feel in the morning!

One of the best nights I've had was when I went up to Stockholm with my friend Axel. He was going to his military ball and needed a date.


Amazing dresses and uniforms. Amazing food. Amazing people. And the highlights:
- Ditching the pre party with the boys to go to the hotel and have a getting-ready-with-Chardonnay with all of the newfound girlfriends
- Meeting my date and he bursts out in a "wow"
- Taking a date picture á la prom night
- Realising, three in the morning, that my ring glowed in the dark!
- Taking off the gown and run around in tight dress+Converse
- Taking an "after picture" when the sun was coming back up at four in the morning
- Running around playing football with the kids from the neighbourhood - with a beer in the hand

The day after we all went on the buses back to central, every single person with one or two painkiller pills in their system. And then I took the train back home. One night. Totally worth it.
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Piper Saint

JASON'S BAND PIPER Saint have just released their debut music video. And it's really good. They're really good. And Jason's the cool kid with the bandage on his hand. Also, growling quietly in the background.

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Place to visit: cemetery

MY AFTERNOON HAVE been spirutal, to say the least. I went out for a little stroll and ended up in Abney Park here in Stoke Newington. It's a HUGE cemetery that is I-don't-know-how old! I walked around there for at least an hour with intstrumental songs playing through the headphones.

Went of the path and walked in the middle of it all, making sure not stepping on an actual grave. Which was hard, since there's about 200,000 burials that have taken place there!

So, if you're out and about in London - make sure to go there!

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Too lazy for this

TOO MUCH SUNLIGHT by the kitchen table...
... can't be bothered to move.
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Saturday evening

IT'S HALF TWELVE and I'm back in my bed. Teeth brushed and make up removed.

Been working all day and then went to Ludvig and Erik's living room again. Chatting away and music again. Only today, the guys took out their guitar and harmonica.

After sipping enough on my beer I walked home. I'm off tomorrow but I need my sleep. And staying home listening to some good music really beats out the alcohol tonight.

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Won't fall asleep

IS TRULY IS ridiculous how it doesn't matter how tired you are... you just won't leave Internet alone. I'm tired. I should sleep. I need to sleep. Still, I'm hoping for a late night text conversation to take place. A new, fun YouTube clip to be found and an interesting blog post to read. Pretty images to discover and a chill song to hear.

Yet none of the above is happening. Because I'm too tired to make an effort. Now that's annoying at it's most.
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Going home instead

JUST GOT BACK from Ludvig and Erik's place. Been sitting in their living room drinking beer and, God, I've missed that. Being able to just sit back in a sofa listening to good music while chatting away.

They continued the night here at Church Street while I'm home, ready to kick back with the latest episode of The Vampire Diaries.

It's easier that way.
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Swedish people won't interact

GOOD MORNING. JUST saw this picture on Facebook and the blogger in me just had to blog about it.

Because, seriously. This is it. This is the way Swedish people work.

We may be very social when you meet us. We may be the most awesome people EVER. But this quality only stays when in a group. Because when Swedish people

(Okay, so not all of us. I'm good.)

are faced to interact with people they don't know on their own-- and with the option not to-- we won't do it. We stay as far away from each other as possible, because we don't want to risk getting in an awkward situation without our friends around. We don't talk to each other like people do here.

(And don't even get me started on how we don't apologize when we pump into each other. Ever.)

(Again. Not all of us. I'm good.)

(And most of my friends. Because I only hang out with good people.)

Since I've moved here, I've been having such great conversations with random people waiting for the bus... while in Sweden... it's this picture:
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I've seen him before

GOD THIS IS so annoying. I saw this GIF. Recognised the boy. And blank. Who the hell is this kid? And why do I love him so much?!

I need to Google he's ass.

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Affected by a TV show

JUST WATCHED THE latest episode of One Tree Hill. I'm frustrated. My heart is pounding a bit. Like a heart ache. Because there's a lot of drama going on now. Kidnapping, to be exact. Nathan is missing and people are hitting him. Also, Jamie have lost his faith in Dan. And Jamie was the last person that still saw him as a actual human being.

That's a bit weird, isn't it? That you can be so affected by a TV show. Surely, I cannot be the only one? Because One Tree Hill's cast have been everyone's babies for many years now.

And one does simply not hurt ones babies.

(I do realise: still weird.)
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iMessage for Mac

TRYING OUT THE Beta version of iMessage for the Mac. Having major issues with merging the conversations with current ones in phone but hopefully that is an issue only for the Beta version!

Other than that... I love it! I realise how much I miss MSN Messanger. Remember how you could sit there for hours? Before Facebook was the big thing. When you still could see when your crush signed in - just to wait and hope that he'd be the one write first!
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Most boring thing

MOST BORING THING ever is waiting for your computer to update. Been sitting with it in my lap for ten minutes. Just looking at the tube to be filled with blue.

It's SO boring that I took a picture to blog about it.

-- Sent from my iPhone

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The amazing paint box

IF YOU'RE NOT too old or too young reading my blog you will remember this paint box! Someone posted it on 9GAG

(Yeah. That's where I hang out now.)

and all I could think about how proud I was for owning this. For the first two days. Then just how annoyed I was that the empty slots just increased for every second. How come you only lose things that are supposed to fill a set?!

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Football at a pub

JUST GOT BACK from the pub. Went to one of the local pubs in the area

(There's like a bazillion of them.)

(Party people area. PPA.)

(New thing to say.)

where I watched the Arsenal-Milan game with Ludvig and Erik. I must say, I'm glad I bumped into them so many times on my way back/forth from/to work! When the game was finished

(We were going for Milan. And well, let's just say that we had to make sure to keep quiet four times.)

we stayed for a while. Discussing tattoos and social media. Also listening to the drunk englishmen who were outraged with the English performance!

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Stereo heart

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Glee: Valentine's Day

JUST WATCHED THE latest episode of Glee. And gee.

Valentine's Day episode and I was smiling all the way through. It's rediculous how sentimental you can get when you hear good love songs. So, if you want to feel all goodie goodie inside - you know what to watch.

(I also just realised that when I'm writing something in a good mood I have to sit crossed legged with the computer in my lap. Like an exciting kid ready to listen to a story.)
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Morning boost

IT'S 06:30 AND I'm on my way to work. Was only checking in to tell you how tired I am, but I won't. Because my iMessage-pen-pal-from-the-states Kevin just told me:

"Today's your day. Seize it!"

He's in for the long run, that guy.

-- Sent from my iPhone

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We all did it

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Where's the ad?

THAT ANNOYING MOMENT when you have like a bazillion tabs up and you can't figure out which one the music/commercial is coming from...
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They just won't say goodbye!

SO, HOW COME people won't say goodbye to each other in the movies? Whenever they are to end a phone call they just hang up. "Oh... okay... yeah, I understand... *click*".

If I would be on the other side I would call them right back up and ask if the line was cut.

And everytime I see it on TV, I go crazy. Like this:
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Going home to Sweden in May

I JUST GOT off the phone/Viber with my mum. She told me about Sweden and I told her about London. Also, she told me about her birthday party that will take place in May. She's turning 50, my beautiful mum, and I can't wait to go home and celebrate it!

So, now I just need a solid date from my parents so that I can book my holiday. Sweden in May. Sounds good to me.
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A real wizard

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Blimey, I'm Swedish

BLIMEY, I'M SWEDISH. Sitting in my bed, listening to Timbuktu

(Swedish music.)

eating Wasa Sport Knäckebröd

(Swedish crisp bread.)

with Kalles Kaviar

(Swedish fish roe spread.)

and I'm considering going to IKEA later today for some meatballs...
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Miss my Charlie

I MISS MY budgie. I miss that whenever I called his name he would always come flying to sit on my shoulder. Like a dog. With bright, blue colours!
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Yesterday's night out

IT'S FUNNY HOW when it's way too warm with the cover and way to cold without it - and then perfect with one leg without it, isn't it?

Oh, and when it comes to yesterday with the random Swedes - I had so much fun! The two guys and then their other roommate, a Swedish girl. We ended up at four different pubs around the area. And it seemed like every pub had a hidden club in the basement, which was an interesting twist of the evening.

I didn't really snap any pictures... One mirror picture before leaving the house, in usual order and then one picture of Ludvid and Erik. You can't really see... anything. Especially Ludvig's. His face is just not there anymore! But I can tell you this - he looks pretty much exactly like Harry Styles.

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Cellphones: ruining pool parties

YOU KNOW WHAT'S been bugging me for the last few years?!


I wouldn't live without it

(Could. Wouldn't.)

and a cellphone is welcome in any situation. EXCEPT ONE!

Pool parties.

Is it just me, or don't you miss the time when you could push anyone into the water without thinking about whether you'd need to pay them £500 afterwards or not?
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Spiderman's shoes

SO WHILE I was YouTubing earlier today I came across a trailer for the new Spiderman video game. As I watched it, I noticed something.

His feet!

He was jumping off a house, as usual and there was a shot where you got to see the soles of his feet. And they had all these pegs and stuff on them. Which makes sense, I guess. That Spiderman would have some sort of shoes. So I looked closer, went back and forth in the trailer... but I couldn't make out any shoes! It's just socks! Or his costume.

Does the costume have a thick sole?

I guess it doesn't really matter and it's probably a very simple answer - such as: "yes, Spiderman does in fact wear shoes". It's just that I've never thought about it before.

His feet, that is.
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Kristen Bell and the sloth

MOST OF YOU Interneters have probably already seen this but it's worth watching agian.

So, Kristen Bell loves sloths. And when her husband gets her to interact with the animal she goes into panic mode and start crying like a baby. And Ellen's just trolling at 3:04.
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Wedding dresses

FOR SOME REASON I have a thing for wedding dresses. It's probably because I'm a girl. And I just came across Alfred Angelo's gowns inspired by the Disney princesses.

Thankfully, the "Belle dress" is not yellow with puffy sleeves, the "Cinderella dress" is not blue with puffy sleeves or that the "Snow White dress" is not blue, yellow and red with puffy sleeves.

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Facebook messages

I FEEL RIDICULOUS for saying that I've now, finally, taking time to answer all my emails on Facebook. I answer most of the when they pop up but apparently I've been slacking the last week. More than 60 unanswered/unread messages in the inbox. I love that people keep sending me links on different websites where I'm featured!

And then asking for my number.

It's good for my ego.
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The Swedish guys

SO, ON MY way home from work today

(Finished at two today! Two hours earlier than usual. Yahoo!)

(Fidning out that it actually was a word made my life!)

I ran into the Swedish guys again. AGAIN! Crazy, I know. So do they. So we're going for a beer tonight. Yup. A date with two random guys I met in the streets... but I'm sure I'll be fine!
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SINCE I'VE MOVED here people have been calling me different things. They've been trying out my rightful name, I guess. But what seemed to be a never ending process is now down to one name - Lou.

And I feel so mainstream.

Every single Louise out there is called Lou. I never thought I'd be one of them. But here I am. Lou. And I can't escape it. Even the manager's at work call me Lou. And you can't argue with that.

Hello, I'm Lou.

(It's better than Anna though. People have started to found out about it. My Passport name. And a silent wind went through the office. A wind whispering "Louise's real name".)
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Swedish people on the street

HEY, RANDOM AND not so random people! I just got home from work and I'm in a great mood! Even though I have to get up in a few hours to be back at work for my 7 AM shift...

When walking on my street to the station earlier today, two guys came out from one of the houses. I reacted to their young age. Not usual to see people in their twenties in this area

(Hello mummy-daddy-kiddy.)

but I then noticed that the were having a conversation in Swedish! And when they mentioned what tube to take I couldn't resist - so I started talking. They were well surprised running into a Swedish girl. Turns out they just moved here. Exciting! I went to work and that was all.

Or was it?

When walking home an hour ago I ran into the guys again. Almost at the exact same spot, only ten hours later. HOW WEIRD IS THAT? So we exchanged number. Faith have spoken. Faith wants us to be friends. And who are we to disobey?
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You know scary thi-- nope

SO, I'M KIND of a coward. We all are at some point. But I'm pretty extreme. I can't watch scary movies.

(Not even Scary Movie.)

But most of us freak out to unnatural scary things--

-- you know what. I'm alone in my room. It's dark. There's a walkable roof outside my window and I'm not going to sit here and start thinking about examples of things that scare me. Oh. Just did. Okay. I'll continue on this subject in the morning. In daylight. G'night.
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Need to go through the entire thing

IS IT JUST me or...

... if someone would ask you what letter follow "H", do you say "I" straight away or do you go "A, B, C, D, E..."?
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Stop hover around

ONE THING THAT really annoys me... when you accidentally hover over a link for too long, the pop-up window shows up and will. Not. Go. Away. And you have to run the mouse around the display like a crazy person before the window realises that you don't need it's services any more.
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"Give it one touch"

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The old Rihanna

I LOVE THE power woman she is and music she creates today but I miss this girl. Feels like her old music were so much more personal than the ones blasting on the radio channels today. I could listen to her songs for ever before, just lying in bed at home.

Now it feels like I need to be getting ready for a night out to press play.

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Views in London

THE WEATHER WASN'T the best today but hey, what you gonna do? We stayed strong

(And cold.)

when walking from Tower Bridge to  Covent Garden. And we had fun! At one point, we pretended to be a part of some 5th graders from France. The teachers didn't seem to mind us joining the line of kids!

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Hidden places in Covent Garden

TODAY I'VE BEEN running around London together with Jens. He is a Swedish/Danish guy who joined work a few weeks ago! And since we both speak the same language we obviously need to hang out. So we decided to take a London tour. Walked around for hours before ending up in Covent Garden. He wanted to show me a café.

So he did.

Amazing little place, that was. The smallest place. Ever. And you had to share booth and narrow tables with other customers - which made the place so great! Pouring up free water for the random person next to you really makes you feel like you just made a new friend.

And before getting there, I found an alley that seemed interesting

(I'm all about those things!)

so we walked in to see where we would end up. And WOWZA!

(It's a word.)

The narrow corridor led us to a yard-of-colour. All of the houses were painted in bright colours. Even the trash cans were painted! We didn't stay for long but I'll be sure to come back. One of the many reasons why I love this city! Take a random detour and you might find Wonderland.

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Good friends

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Tale as old as time

THE BEST ONE out there.
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This Zelda thing

I HAVE THIS thing for the Zelda issue. Not because I am a huge fan
(Only for the pretty horse.)

but since I've been exposed with so much rage regarding this I can't help but feel this devotion to the old Nintendo game. And to the poor people


trying to give Link justice.

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Eragon 3 & 4

I SPENT SOME money today. On more than the Oyster Card topup. I bought two books. I'm finishing up on Brisingr and getting ready to start reading Inheritance.

So, excuse me... just gotta leave this world for a while.
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Tell me that I never listen

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A whole new world duet

AND NO SHIT was given that day.

[Via Polly]
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Tip of the day: Sunshine Stories

IF YOU'RE A bit bored of your life... you know, all the snow and shiz going on you should visit Petter & Linn's blog: Sunshine Stories! They're traveling around now. Done it before. Amazing photographs. All. The. Time.

Just sayin'.
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The little black Converse

I'M NOT MUCH of a jewellery girl. In fact, not at all. I wish but everytime something big and sparkly ends up on me, I take it off.

(Except if it's Edward Cullen.)

But I do have four things that I love to wear! Three of these are my mother's rings, which I've showed you before. The other thing is a gift I got from Jennifer and Diana. My wonderful friends! On my birthday, they wanted to get me a charm that I could wear all the time.

(Because, really... you know you've done a good job if your friend always wears what you gave them!)

(Hey, Jennifer - nice bracelet!)

First, they where going for some high heel shoe, cosmo glass or some other glamorous thing - and then they found it... a black mini Converse! Ha! Ka-ching! For me, with my 16 pairs, this is the best charm a girl can get!

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Taking some breaks

MY HEAD IS completely empty now. It's weird. I just listen to old goodies

(Have my lovely Ricke to thank for that!)

and sit here. Nothing in. Nothing out. And writing this post took me ten minutes.
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Happy birthday sister!

RIGHT NOW, SWEDISH time, it's my sister's birthday! She's in New York and I'm in London so it's not her birthday anywhere where we are but it doesn't really matter. We are vikings! Therefore we go by Swedish time!

She turns 22 so no crazy turning-21-in-New-York-City this year but I'm pretty sure she'll be fine.

I've been flicking through family albums on Facebook for the last hour and I miss them all an extra amount tonight.

It pains me that I can't hug my sister on her birthday. That I can't personally hand over a present that I really can't afford. But hey, she get's a Louise Blog Exclusive!

Happy birthday, sis! I love you!

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Dear mother and naked women

MY SISTER POSTED these pictures of my mum and her work. And I feel like I need to do the same... my pretty mother. And next time you people ask why I doodle naked women all the time... above's your answer!
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Hi snow. You're late. Again. / Europe

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This is England and snow

I'M READY TO go to work. But it will be quite the adventure today. The line between my home and work have been closed. Because... this is England. And this is how England react to snow.


Things like this makes me appreciate Sweden so much more. When the first snow falls there are trucks on the roads two hours later to clean it up. And you would think TFL would be the same now, considering what happened last year. But no, so I'll have to take either:
- Two busses and one train
- Three trains

Can't make up my mind. So hard to decide. What I DO know is that I'm leaving now, half an hour early so that I can take some  pictures of winter wonderland outside!
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Beer and snow hits London

WENT TO THE Cow with some friends this evening. And from nowhere, BAM, the snow hits London. Finally! I was well happy walking home among the snowflakes!

(Like smiling-with-open-mouth-while-looking-up-towards-the-falling-snow happy!)

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Boots or Herbal Essences?

BOY, DID I get annoyed when I was walking around at Boots earlier today. Herbal Essences: Hello Hydration is my favourite schampoo av all time. Mainly because of the beautifully designed bottles. And then Boots show up with their Fruit Essence!

Started laughing out loud when I put the two brands next to each other. This is ridiculous, Boots are taking rip off to a whole new level:

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Pavement dog

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Mini trees

I AM SO damn proud of myself. I've made soup. Eatable soup! Texted Alice about the ingredients
(She wouldn't give me any more information except: mince onions. Boil broccoli.)

and got to it. And, geez, am I clueless in the kitchen. I had no idea what I was doing. NO IDEA! But it turned out great! I ate it all. And gave myself a pat on the back. And I actually enjoyed cooking. But that probably because you can pretend the broccoli is trees!
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Donald Duck and Don Rosa: "Needless and irritating detail"

I WAS BROWSING on the Internet when I came across a page where they mentioned Carl Barks, who is the creator of Scrooge McDuck
(SUCH a weird name. In Swedish he is called Joakim. Joakim von Anka - Joakim von Duck.)

and it brought back some memories.

As kids, me and my sister where subscribes to Kalle Anka & Co-- Donald Duck & Co-- which was a weekly comic book that would end up in our post box every Friday. This was the case for YEARS. We got one year of subscribtion each Christmas. Best gift every year!

And when you get 52 comic books a year for seven years

(Yikes! Where are all those 364 now?)

you kind of learn everything there is to know about Duckburg and their inhabitants. You know all about Cornelius Coot and how he claimed the Drake Borough with help of his corn turning into popcorn! You know that Scrooge bought the fort from Cornelius' descendant where he later on would rest his famous money bin. You are also aware of the fact that Duckburg is located in Calisota which is a combination of California and Minnesota. And, ah, I could go on and on with this for ever.

And then you learn your favourites. I'm not talking about choosing the most loveable character from the lot-- hello, Scrooge!-- but your favourite writer/illustrator. I remember how excited I got when I picked up the comic book and at the top of the cover there would be a banner reading "DON ROSA CLASSIC", as if he had signed it himself.

'Cause you knew you were in for a treat.

He always wrote these stories with such details. Both in illustration and text. And the combination of fiction and actual history is simply amazing. It also showed the sweetheart Scrooge really was!

My favourite story of all time is "A Letter From Home", where Scrooge and company went to Scotland to find out secrets about-- not only his family but-- the Knights of the Templar. They had to figure out this weird letter. And secret entrances by the grave stones. And then there was the story of when Scrooge made business with Teddy Roosevelt. Or should I say Donald's mum did business with ze president...

Today, I wished I would have tucked all of my Don Rosa featured comics away somewhere safe. So I could take out and read them whenever. Would have made this Friday night SO much better.

("What did you do on Friday?" "Oh, not much. Just stayed home writing about Donald Duck and stuff...")

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Where are the great cartoons?

BEEN SITTING IN front of YouTube for fifteen minutes. Watching the opening credits for Gummi Bears. Over and over again. Naturally in Swedish. And I'm so glad that I still know the lyrics SO well!

(Casually nodding my head to the melody while quietly singing to myself.)

I don't know if it's because of the fact that I enjoyed children show's when younger... but it feels like cartoons like these aren't created and aired anymore. Seems like every hit show needs to involve bang-bang-guns nowadays.
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Staying in

I FEEL ABSOLUTLEY shit so I'm just staying in tonight. Even though it's friday. And I'm off work tomorrow! I feel quite proud of myself for coming to this conclusion. Like I've finally realised that going out when ill is a bad idea. 

Only took me 20 years.
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"There, there baby. It's just textbook stuff"

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New Facebook profile

THOUGHT IT WAS about time I changed my timeline cover on Facebook. Can't let those 592 people wait for nothing!
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My Best Friend's Wedding

WRITING AND THINKING about Michael O'Neal made me realise that I haven't seen the movie in WAY too long. So that's what I'm doing now. Oh, this movie. So heartbreaking.

But the best part of the film... the ladies singing and dancing during the intro!

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Mr. O'Neal

YOU KNOW HOW you always have that crush from younger age that you just can't seem to let go. If so, you know what I'm talking about when I say that I can't let go of Mr. O'Neal. Or whatever his name is in real life!

He starred next to Julia Roberts in My Best Friend's Wedding. I'm not sure what it is... I guess it's his George-Clooney-handsomeness. And the fact that he is a best friend. Sigh, what a perfect combination.
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My sister's blog

HACKED INTO MY sister's blog. Changed her URL address. Because I can.
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Removing friends from Facebook

THIS IS WHAT'S been going on with me and Facebook for the last hour:

"Oh, so who is this... friends in common... Oh. Really? Really. No. No, you're out. Don't know you. Out."
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Forgot to actually wash it

UNBELIEVEABLE. I PUT my laundry in the washer two hours ago. Been keeping myself occupied since then. Waiting for it to be done. I then, a few minutes ago, realised that the washer was quiet.
Great! Laundry done.

At leat that would have been what happened if I HAD TURNED THE WASHER ON!
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Let's try this thing

OKAY, SO I just made a pact with the devi... hrm, sorry, my sister. She's a bit of a good-way-health-freak and I am now going to start this LCHF thing for a while. And even though she lives in New York there will be no escaping her. She'll Skype me down!

Can't wait!
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You are european

ONE THING THAT really confuses me is why my british friends refer to themselves as "living outside of Europe". Everytime a trip comes up someone burst out "Oh, I really want to go to Europe!".


Dude, you're in Europe.

For some, strange reason they seem to feel like the don't belong in the category of Europe. Why, I have no idea. Probably because it's water between them and the rest of Europe.

(Or maybe it's just a question of "us" and "them".)

And the fact that every. Map. To be found states otherwise doesn't seem to make a difference. And when I make a fuss about it

(We are all the same!!)

(I don't understand this!!)

they simply say that they're not european. But I certainly am. No. No. Get yourself some self awareness and embrace the freaking european in you!
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Real life dragon!

OKAY, SO MAYBE it's not a dragon. It's a lizard. BUT WITH WINGS! Which is close enough...

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Too much MJ

OKAY, SO I know that we all love Michael Jackson. We all know his songs and find them absolutely amazing. We also don't ever want to forget him. And he never will be forgotten. So, can we PLEASE stop featuring him all over the place?!

It feels like since his death his been everywhere, which is perfectly understandable. Great artist. People want to honour his performances and at the same time please an audience with a well known tune and dance. Also perfectly understandable. And I don't know if it's just me but I'm getting a bit sick of it. I like his music, don't adore it. I love when a Michael Jackson song burst out of the speakers at the club but just one. Not five. Not every song.

And maybe, yeah, I've just ended up at those places where they adore him - but when I turn off Glee ten minutes into the episode because they're doing an all MJ episode, I've heared too much.
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Drinking alcohol in a church

HAD SUCH A great time after work today! Went in to Leicester Square with Dwaine to see the latest Mission Impossible film. It was good but couldn't help but laugh. Such a typical action movie. Tom Cruise was walking away from sand storms and not explosions this time, nice change.
We then went to... somewhere north... so meet up with Tom. Went to a pub which I can't remember the name of

(Or I was just busy looking at all the pretty buildings.)

it but it was an old church

(Not the one in the picture though. That is just a regular, beautiful church!)

which they've turned into a HUGE pub! When I got in there I just kept looking up towards the high ceiling, just smiling. With my mouth open. Like a little kid. Good times!
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Hej, jag heter Louise, är en soon-to-be-22-tjej och bor just nu i Malmö. Har ett genuint intresse för grafisk kommunikation, stora tavlor med nakna kvinnor, fotografi, webdesign och journalism. Den här bloggen finns för att stimulera sysslorna ovan samt andra historier, så allt hänger med!